Chapter 27: Shoichi

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Full title: Shoichi: You know, the world was once plunged into chaos before a snap happened.

The green alien rolled her eyes, "Get a room, you two." And plopped onto the nearest seat, which was the seat nearest to the mischievous god.

Tony spluttered, "Me? With him? Surely I have better taste than that. Like Pepper. Yup, Pepper is good." He ranted.

Gomora rolled her eyes, she didn't want to deal with them right now; not after she had somehow been raised from the dead. Now that she thinks about it, she would very much liked to stay dead. The fact that said Necromancer was a kid did not help. In fact, it increased her wish of staying dead.

But the kid pointed out that technically, she was dead and still is. Her soul is technically still in the soul stone, just that he had managed to fix her body and linked her soul from said stone to said body.

How he had done that, she doesn't even want to know.

Are earthlings all that crazy?

Then again, she is crazy for loving an earthling.

Gamora slightly groaned in annoyance, throwing back her head as she groaned, which caught the attention of the occupants in the room.

Tony raises his brows. "Any dilemma which you need to spit out?" He asks half in concern and half in curiosity.

"Just peachy, like you earthlings say." Gamora said. "As peachy as a dead person could be." She mummers under her breath in annoyance.

However, due to the room being quite echoey, she was heard by all occupants in the room.

"Oh, so resurrection from the dead." Loki says as he crosses his arms. "Being pulled from the your eternal sleep of peace and quiet and the warm embrace of death unwillingly."

Gamora raises her eyebrow in askance, "Seems like you have experience in that field." She sarcastically says.

"Well, yes. Unfortunately so." Loki scrunches his eyebrows in annoyance. "And now I'm back in the same world my bumbling fool of a brother is in."

Gamora looks at Loki in understanding. "Well, that makes the two of us. Though, I must say that usually, it's those fools which we are fond of." Gamora says in a reminiscent manner, in which she herself was unaware.

Loki looks at her in silent shock, "You fell for a fool?" He asks, somehow insulted at that thought.

Gamora shrugs.

"Wait, wait, wait. Just wait for a second. Are you telling me, that Byakuran had revived you two!?" Tony exclaims in shock. "I mean, no offence to the lady, but him?"

"Er... Mr. Stark. Wha- what exactly am I doing here? I've got an appointment with MJ later in the evening and it's already 3pm." Peter asks hesitantly.

"Wait a second underoos." Tony replies to Peter and continues. "I mean like. Why him? Of all people."

Shoichi hesitantly raises his hands from his seat beside Peter. "Ahh, good. We finally got someone who knows." Tony signals for Shoichi to continue.

Shoichi fidgets about for a while before saying, "He... he likes interesting things. Chaos is his favourite." Shoichi looks at Loki with a complicated gaze. "The god of mischief and chaos fits the bill perfectly."

Tony opens his mouth as if he was going to speak, but then closed it again. He then walked up to the wall behind him and placed his forehead on it, and took a deep breath.

Gamora rolled her eyes, "You earthlings are soo weird."

Shoichi awkwardly laughs as he looks away from her.

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