Chapter 25: Arms in hand and trackers intact

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I'm stressed (kinda) with my FYP proposal so I decided to post this chapter... Yup, don't try to question the logic of my impulses, they are just weird.

On another note, I saw this labeled with famiglia and cielo and decided that hey, isn't that Tsuna? Haha.

"Big sis Shuri, Verde says he can come now, he is nearby."

Shuri looks at Rose in confusion, "Nearby?" But this was Wakanda. Unless this Verde is also from Wakanda. Shuri deduced.

Unfortunately, before she even could dive deeper into her theory, the alarm sounded, indicating that there was an intruder in the palace.

Shuri immediately carried Rose and to rush to safety but Rose struggled in the embrace, "Verde said to wait here, big sis!"

Shuri gave Rose a nonplussed look- there was no Verde who was 8 years old who was allowed within the palace. She had made sure to memorise every kid allowed within the walls of this palace, mostly due to boredom and a moment of curiosity. Suddenly, Shuri had a premonition on who the intruder was if her line of thought was correct...

She hope she was wrong.

That hope went out of the window as she glanced at the 3 kids and 2 teenagers easily disarming the guards chasing them as they headed towards her direction. And if Rose's happiness and yells of 'Verde! Over here!' was anything to go by, Shuri was now 100% sure who were the intruders.

"Princess Shuri!" The guards yells in panic.

"Shuri!" Her brother yells in panic as the 'intruders' reached her.

The worse that the guards and her brother had envisioned didn't happen.

However, Shuri did yell 'STOP!' loudly to her brother and the guards as the little intruders reached her.

Her brother was confused but complied and signal 'stop' to the guards.

As they all calmed down, the dark green(?) (It sure looked like it under the light) kid ignores her and looked at Rose. "Well?"

Of which, Rose replies by struggling out of Shuri's grasp and throws herself at Verde in happiness. Well, tries to. Verde dodges her and she lands on a kind looking Chinese teenager instead.

"Looks like Verde's embarrassed again, kora." The blond kid teases and chuckles.

The other kid tilts his fedora (which had somehow stayed on his head throughout the whole chasing fiasco) in amusement.

The kid, which she now infers as Verde, chucks a vial of clear liquid (at bullet speed. How does he do that?) to the blond kid. Who dodges. Still laughing.

The wall of her lab, which is supposedly quite sturdy, immediately corrodes and explodes (like how the bloody hell, does that even happen!), giving her and the rest of the Wakandians a scare and going into defensive mode.

The blond kid heaved with laughter stucked in his throat.

As if his friend had not just tried to kill him.

"Shuri!" Her brother yelled, now extremely worried about her safety. And sanity.

But she ignores it and opts to ask the kid wearing glasses, Verde, to satisfy her curiosity. "So... what's in the vial that you had given Rose? Or is it a trade secret?" She asks eagerly.

T'Challa splutters in disbelief. "Shuri!" He yells with mild exasperation laced in his voice.

"Don't worry, brother. They're as harmless as me during an experiment." Shuri reassures.

"Meaning that they're extremely dangerous!" T'Challa yells in an exasperated manner and tries to reason with logic.

"Oh, hush brother. I'm sure none of the guards were brutally murdered or incapacitated... Right, kids?" Shuri asks the little intruders, unsure, sincerely hoping that it was as she says. If not, wiggling them out in this situation was going to be hard.

"Don't worry, kora. We had made sure that none of the shots were lethal, kora." The blond kid replies.

"There was no need to use that much energy for such weak opponents after all." Verde comments and looks at the guards at the hallway in subtle contempt. "It would be overkill and a waste of energy."

M'Baku who had followed along the chase was not happy and wanted to walk up to teach the little runt in front of him a lesson. Which got him three shots directed at him. Two beside both sides of his head and one to the top of his head, all three leaving trails of cut to his face in their path.

However, none of the guards were scratched at all.

All of the Wakandians got into defensive positions again, looking warily towards the direction of the fedora wearing kid.

M'Baku looks at the one with the fedora, who had, who knows when, took out a gun and shot him with such accuracy. He had taken it as a challenge.

M'Baku strides forward but was stopped by T'Challa, which he shakes off and continues towards Shuri's lab.

The fedora kid, rolls his eyes and calls, "Colonnello, you're up."

The blond kid, now known as Colonnello, rolls his eyes as M'Baku accelerates himself towards Shuri's lab. He took out his rifle and before Shuri could stop him, he shot a blue flame which engulfed M'Baku. Colonnello then looked at Shuri and nonchalantly said as if he had not shot a person, "Don't worry. He's not dead. This level of rain flames is not enough to kill."

And the three arcobalenos ignores the Wakandians in favor of the wonderful and novel tech in the lab.

It was Rose who ran towards Shuri and 'whispers' (though honestly, everyone there could hear) in an attempt to console Shuri, "Colonnello approves of you."

How the hell, that situation had turned into a talk of getting the blond haired kid's approval, Shuri had no idea.


As everyone had more or less calmed down, Reborn had allowed Shuri's brother to walk into the lab.

Immediately 2 hours after the whole fiasco, Verde and Shuri were having an exchange of knowledge on Vibranium and flames and how they may be able to incorporate flames into the vibranium.

M'Baku who was trashed by Reborn was adamant in defeating the hitman. So he asked for a rematch.

It may as well be called as a one sided trashing, because M'Baku has not once won against Reborn.

Seeing that, T'Challa was tempted to ask Reborn to train the warriors in Wakanda.

Zaire, who quietly looked on the whole facade, was questioning said King's choice and sanity.

At this point, he was glad that he was trained by Colonnello and not Reborn.

Word count: 1086 words.

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