Chapter 30: The more the merrier

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Full title: The more the merrier, lets have a freak weather!

Let's assume that all the Avengers made up and the Accords issues have been solved at this point. Btw, Selamat Hari Raya!

"Stark." Fury called in an eerily calm tone. "What is the meaning of this?" He slowly asked.

Tony glanced at the room full of glitter, splatters of paint, the still flaming couch (which Dum-E was frantically trying to extinguish. However, spraying the extinguisher round and round, spraying anywhere except the part of the couch on fire, causing the whole place to be full of foam... was not making the situation any better), and some kind of unidentified slime splattered all over the window.

"Well..." Tony drawls in a casual tone as he inwardly cringes at the sight before him. "This actually looks worse than it actually is."

A harsh crashing sound strips any slim credibility that he has, if he has any left.

Tony does not look back, instinctively knowing that it was his newly made television, which he had customised himself.

Fury raised his eyebrows in askance. Cueing for Tony to continue his already vain explanation.

"It's all Loki's fault!" Tony shifts the blame without hesitation or remorse. Technically, it is. Loki started this whole prank war, and it was only fair that he did the same.

If the location of all their pranks happens to be centred in the living room where Tony and the rest of Byakuran's 'guardians' frequent. Well, that was just plain coincidence. As for everybody scampering out of the crime scene, leaving him to deal with the aftermath and a very, very disappointed Fury? Well, that was just luck that Fury of all people, decided that today was the perfect day to pay a visit to his favourite billionaire?

Fury raised an eyebrow. "The last time I heard, Loki was dead. Killed by... some alien, purple giant, or so Banner says, by the name of Thanos." Fury states.

Tony looked at Fury and blinked once, "No wonder he said that he was resurrected!" Tony exclaims in realisation.

"...what?" Fury gave a deadpan look.

"Right, right." Tony said while nodding to himself in a pleased manner. "Have you seen Sho?" Tony asks, seamlessly changing the topic.

"What?" Fury asks again.

"You know? Shoichi? Red head, glasses-"

"I know who you are talking about Stark!" Fury snaps.

"Right, so... have you seen him?" Tony cuts Fury off.

Fury stared at Tony in annoyance, wishing to just drop kick that mother f*cker six ways to Sunday. Instead, he asks calmly and slowly, not betrayihg any of his emotions. "And what do you want him for?"

"Oh, you are going to love this one. The little lover boy apparently knows more than he shows." Tony says as he puts on a gossiping face.

"And I would loveee to hear all about it. Right after, you explain that." Fury points towards the still burning couch that Dum-E was failing to extinguish.

Tony took one look at the couch and immediately changed the topic again. "I seem to hear Pepper calling. I'll be right back." Like never. And with that, Tony scampered off towards the end of the hallway before Fury could say anything, disappearing from Fury's sight, leaving Fury alone along with the chaos in the room. Fury stared expressionlessly at Tony's retreating back. He could feel a migraine coming along, and he is not pleased.

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