Chapter 1:Byakuran

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Of all the world's he had known and lived, this... was not one of them. Oh well, might as well have fun screwing with it, and maybe drive the world to the brink of insanity. Those poor poor souls of this world would not know what hit them.

Byakuran woke up with his mind in a haze. It took him a few seconds to make sure that his mind did not black out, then another few seconds to take in his surroundings.

A hospital he concluded, in an infant's body no less. Did he get cursed? No, that was not possible. After all, Tsunayoshi did stop checker face(or whatever his name was) so that was not possible. After a few minutes of contemplation, he found the answer to his predicament.

As to why he took soo long to find the answer, he blamed it on the fact that he had an infant's body and the fact that he was already nodding off despite his best efforts to stay awake.

Well, no use fighting too hard. With that thought in mind and the information he has inferred, which was the fact that he was reincarnated, he relaxed and let nature take its course.


Byakuran was one year old now. Unlike usual kids of his age, and of course most of the idiotic adults, he was well aware of the circumstances of the world as well as the situation he is in.

An orphan in a world that discriminates people called mutants and inhumans with superpowers similar yet different from the worlds he had seen, he mused to himself.

Just because those 'herbivores', so he quotes from a certain Vongola cloud, does not have extraordinary powers, they had to make those born with them feel like their existence itself is a calamity of epic proportions and they do not deserve to live because they don't 'follow the herd'.

Or in Byakuran's words, the ones in power are terrified and jealous of the mutants and inhumans abilities and wants to take control of that power for their own gains.

Which is quite idiotic if you asked him.

He also blames those irrational mutants and inhumans for making things worse as well as those insufferable government who are too narrow minded and lust for control.

Don't they know the more they wish to control something the worse the situation will evolve into? Seriously, how can such idiotic people lead even a small organisation!? Or a country in this case!

They can't even think rationally and had based their actions mostly on their emotions. How are they leader material!? He definitely wouldn't appoint them as his generals even if you offered him the world, that's for sure.

Byakuran himself on the other hand can afford to do things based off his mood as he has the knowledge and power of the various parallel worlds in his hands. So, it is totally justified that he can do whatever he wants on a whim.

But even with that, he knows how to have his subordinates carry out his orders. Although not to the letter as he gives a free reign on how those under him wants to act upon his orders, he does give them a simple base line to follow.

After all, his funeral wreath are quite willful and does not follow his orders just because he have full control over them. Then again, he himself does not like to do things by the book. Not only will he happily fling the book to kingdom comes, he will even gladly shred the book to atoms if one allows him to.

And as one of his parallel self have said and he quote, 'the sky didn’t own the cloud, storm and the rain… they’re just there you know?'

Therefore, full control is not the answer as different people require different methods of keeping them in line. Meaning you need to give more freedom to some than others...

Byakuran's Guide To Screwing With The World(Avengers X Khr Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now