Chapter 2: The mysterious 'angel'

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Haha, more like demon, and the most insane one at that. Anyways, author-chan is here with another chapter courtesy of my birthday! Gyahahahaha! ^ω^

Please help to point out any typos or spelling mistakes! Thanks you!

Byakuran is four years old when he was adopted by a nice and perfectly normal family -well, as normal as one get when your whole family are otakus- in New York who had taken a liking to his white and fluffy hair that makes him look like an anime character, which had amused him to no end.

They were also celebrating the fact that he looks like someone with albinism despite being unaffected by the said hereditary disease.

In response to that, he gave his new family the most innocent-like smile he had ever done since he had arrived in this world, which was one of the easiest thing to do if you were stuck in a four years old body.

After all, no one would expect a four years old being a megalomaniac from a parallel universe who aims to turn the world upside down and inside up just for amusement.

"What's your name, sweetie?" That was the father by the way.

"Ian. Ian Hummings." Apparently that was his given name when he was at the orphanage.

"Ian... Hmm... That suits you very much." There's definitely a 'but' at the end. He clearly does not like it. Maybe he should answer a 'really!' happily just to put the poor guy in a spot.

"Seriously, what are you doing, going in circles with a kid. Just get to the point!" Sarah, the man's wife exclaimed while knocking her husband's head.

The wife then turned to Byakuran and grin.

"Your hair looks like the colour of white orchids. How would you like the nickname Byakuran! Meaning hundred orchids." She clapped her hands. "Yosh, it's decided!"

"You just wanted to have a kid with Japanese name, didn't you!?" Pete, the husband whined. "I was also going to name him a Japanese name!"

"Oh hush you. Don't think I don't know that you were going to name him Shiroiran because his hair looks like white orchids. It's a horrible name!"

"Like yours is any better!"

Both the childish parents' head snapped to Byakuran's direction. "Which name did you like the most!" They say great minds think alike, but it seems in this case it would be childish minds think alike.

"I like the name Byakuran!" Of course he would choose his previous name. He was not stupid. Since a great opportunity comes knocking to give him back his original name, he would naturally grab it tightly and never let go.

Furthermore, the wife seems more like the head of the household instead of the husband, so pleasing her is a bonus.

As expected, she looks smug.

"See, what did I tell you!"

Pete mummers incomprehensible words to himself in dissatisfaction while drawing circles on the floor, shrouded with a cloud of gloom. Not that anybody cares. In fact, his kids are even laughing at his misfortune. Poor guy, Byakuran thought in amusement. Well, it keeps him entertained anyways.


Apparently, aliens exists in this world. So the 5 year old Byakuran thought. This was an... educating finding, though quite irritating. He just experienced his first anime convention in this world and the aliens just had to ruin it.

Not that he minded it much, after all, it's not everyday something more bemusing than anime has decided to throw itself on his doorstep. So willingly might he add.

Since they are being so enthusiastic to hand him his belated congratulatory gifts on being reincarnated, then it's would be quite rude of him to not accept it with as much enthusiasm as them now, wouldn't it?

Furthermore, he has quite a convenient cosplay to work with; Riku from No Game No Life the movie donned with a dirty brown cloak. Such convenient outfit for such an occasion. He also 'borrowed' a kitsune mask as am extra precaution.

It would be a bummer if the government finds out his civilian identity so easily, now wouldn't it? Not that he minded.

Now to get to the spot where all the action is taking place...

Byakuran then unintentionally let go of his new mother's hand and slipped passed the crowd to a somewhat isolated place, namely, the toilet, while keeping his hood up.

It was the perfect place as nobody would be insane enough to hide in a toilet when aliens are crashing buildings all over the place and destroying the foundations of said buildings, which Byakuran doesn't mind because those buildings needed a makeover anyways. Because for a society with the government having relatively advanced technology, the technology of its civilians are majorly underdeveloped.

To the ex-boss of the Gesso Family, this was kinda unacceptable as even the lowest rank of his famiglia has at least some of the technology the current government are restricting it's civilians. The main point is... there is no hoverboard. Seriously! They have a flying ship-like thing called the Helicarier but they could not make a hoverboard!

This is an insult to the former head of the Gesso Famiglia.

So therefore it's totally justified that those buildings should be in rubble and as long as those horrible looking leviathan do not touch a brick of his house (or anything that he deemed his), he will not have much a problem with the person who commanded them.

Byakuran was kind just like that.

After Byakuran climbed out the window with his small bag (big for him though) of marshmallows tucked under his arm, he proceeded to fly to the eye of the storm, which in this case was near the Stark Tower.

On the way, he met a stray leviathan who welcomed his arrival with a blast of laser (how welcoming) of which he negates with a white applause and crippled it with a white finger then proceeded to happily received his reward which came in the form of the horribly colored hoverboard.

He will have to make do with this for now.

And so, Byakuran continued his devastating march towards the main battlefield, which he thought of as an overly exaggerated theme park.

Leviathan came one after another to stop his mini parade but was sent kissing the ground one after another. (Author-chan: RIP: may you rest in pieces. Haha.)

As Byakuran continued his unhindered march while munching on a marshmallow, the Avengers were freaking out due to an 'unknown enhanced' on the field.

"Seriously, what the f*ck is going on today!" Started the billionaire. "It's like some almighty being decided to label today as 'screw all logic's day! Or week... Whatever!"

"Language Stark."

"Like seriously, first we found out that Norse gods are real, then we have an alien invasion and as if that wasn't enough, a kid shows up and thrashes said aliens like it's nothing! A kid!"

"Stark... You're kidding, right?" The World War II hero probed.

"Er... Cap, he's not. Enhanced just walked passed me and his body size indicates that the child is not more than 7 years old." Hawkeye replied while running towards the direction of the tower.

"How did you know it's a boy?" Widow inquired, also moving towards the Stark Tower.

"...he came up to me and asked if I had any marshmallows."

The intercom was silent for a few second.

"Marshmallows." Repeated Tony.

"Yes. Marshmallows..."

That's all folks for this chapter! I hope you liked it. Constructive criticism is mostly welcomed. So please do put some comments.

Ps: I got an A2 in my 1119 in SPM... Gah! The teacher my essay was sent to must be lacking language humor! Idiot of a teacher. Who employed that crap! FYI, I did not use short forms of words at all. I doubt my grammar is the problem. So, therefore the teacher employed was crap.

Word count: 1326 words.

Byakuran's Guide To Screwing With The World(Avengers X Khr Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now