Chapter 19: Sky meets spider

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Full name: Sky meets spider, what's the odd that there would be a storm?

I've just noticed cannot see the picture... I also cannot find the previous picture so I'm changing it to a new one. Haha

Looks at chapters still in stock...

Only 1 left...

I'll need to put writing my new BL on hold...

On another note, I've finished my exams!!! Well, for this semester but still! Finally done! Anyway enjoy~

Peter had noticed a white haired kid sauntering into and out of Tony's lab frequently since a while ago. However, he had almost never met him face to face, only catching glimpses of this 'other' intern of Tony's occasionally. It was not until that one afternoon, where his teacher had released them early due to food poisoning. Since he was to head to Tony's lab today for some intern work (which as usual, Tony did not specify), Peter decided to head to Tony's lab early.

That was when he saw the other intern busying with his own project. Peter has to admit, a flaming white snake was not what he was imagining as an 8 year old kid's project (yes, Peter does in fact know Byakuran's age). Infact, is animal modifications to this degree even legal?

"Nope, it is definitely not legal, which is why there will be no evidence of it." The white haired kid chirped happily.

Peter's brain began running the possible outcomes that would follow that statement. Usually it's death, as shown in the movies. Peter would not like to end up dead, especially not in Mr. Stark's lab.

This exaggerated thought had caused Peter to take a step back, body tensed and ready to bail.

As if seeing through his preposterous epiphany, the kid looked at him in scorn, or so that's what Peter thinks. He is not sure, as what enters his retina is a smiling innocent looking face. The contrast between reality and what his 6th sense tells him, causes Peter to doubt his own intuition.

"I am not going to silence you so don't stress your mind too much over it." Peter looks that the albino(?) in distrust. In which he got an eye roll and proceeded to ignore Peter, in favor of continuing his project. Looks like the other intern had given up on acting his age. Then again he deserves it. Peter does not think that Mr. Stark will allow an intern with homicidal tendencies near him.

As his mind was wondering, Peter abruptly recalled he had forgotten one is the basic courtesy. Aunt May would definitely give him 'that look' if she even caught wind of this. "By the way, I don't think I've gotten your name. I'm Peter, Peter Parker. It's nice to finally meet you." Peter said and was about to stretch his hands for a handshake before realizing that the white haired kid was still working on his project and opted to now interrupt his work.

The kid in front of him, replied after a pause, "I'm Ian Baumer, previously called Ian Hummings. You can call me Byakuran though."

Peter nodded, "Nice to meet you Byakuran." Peter then recalled the illegal project that the intern was working on. "Umm... Byakuran, I don't think that you should be continuing that project, it will bring trouble to Mr. Stark."

Byakuran huffed. He then turned to Peter while holding the white snake. To be more specific, the snake is coiled on his right hand. The child then took out a box from his pocket.

Peter looked on in confusion.

"Shiro, return." Byakuran ordered. In a white flash, the flaming snake entered the small box which should not have been able to fit it.

Peter's jaw slacked, he wondered if he had leaped into a wormhole that brought him to the future.

Byakuran on the other hand, started packing up his things. Not willing to let go of this mind blowing discovery of what the other intern's project could do, Peter thickens his face and asked, "Can you show that again, Byakuran. Please, just once more, or maybe twice. If twice is not possible at least just once. Or if you're not free now can you show it tomorrow. Wait, will you be here tomorrow? If tomorrow is not possible I can-"

The normal conversation quickly became a platform for his rambling. Unable to stand such a long winded conversation, Byakuran directly muted Peter by isolating the space around his mouth. This left Peter being nonplussed at the feeling of being unable to talk. Looking at Peter like this made Byakuran think of the way Shoichi's eyes glitters at the mention of novel inventions and the mechanisms behind it.

Byakuran relented and showed the box weapon which he just made. Peter's eyes glittered as he stared at the tiny box, eyes following the box and he watches as Byakuran inserted a flaming ring into the only hole in the box. As he did so, the snake known as Shiro formed from a small burst of white flame.

Shiro circled around Byakuran happily few a few seconds before stopping and staring at the other person in the room.

"Wow!" Peter, who has been released by Byakuran exclaimed in awe.

Byakuran gave a fond smile to the little snake before it went back into the box, leaving Peter to stare at the box with a disappointed look.

"What's it called?" Peter blurts out.

"Box animal." Byakuran gave a short and curt answer while continuing to pack up his stuff. The project items he was researching and engineering are all stuffed into a safe catered for him while his notes of his research was packed into his school bag.

His failed pet project was also cleaned up, with biological waste being dumped into the biohazard bag prepared in the lab. The other glass apparatus were autoclaved or washed depending on whether the items are harmless chemicals or biological systems. All these were done in a practiced manner and in minutes Byakuran was ready to head out. By this time, Peter was already focusing on his own project and shutting out anything going on in his surroundings so Byakuran opted to not disturb him and instead, sneaked out the lab quietly.

Meaning, he teleported away.

By the time Peter had finished a journal on the newfound modifications that can be done on the CRISPR Cas9 protein and the applications of variant Cas9 protein, only then did he notice Byakuran's departure.

He wonders how did Byakuran went out without making the slightest bit of sound before deciding that it was rude to pry. Therefore, he ignored it and threw the thought to the back of his mind and continued on with his current project.


Byakuran went through the data he had obtained just now in Tony's lab leisurely in his pajamas. Although his attention wasn't on the sheets of graph but on the other intern, Peter.

A storm.

Byakuran threw his iPad onto the bed which rummaging though his second drawer filled with clothes he would wear at home.

Because, who wouldn't hide their precious things in their clothes drawers?

He then fished out a white colored box and opened it, taking out a ring with a crimson red gem adorned on it and placed it into smaller box which also holds the rain flame ring then proceeded to stuff it in his school bag.

Looks like the storm flame ring will now have an owner.

If you noticed some of the lab safety procedures and recombinant DNA details in the chapter then yay. My teacher taught CRISPR on that week and I was also flipping though journals for CRISPR for my assignment. I'm studying biotech so I incorporated some of my studies here, haha.

Word count: 1297 words.

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