Omake: Family relations

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It's just common knowledge of the khr world that is being explained to Tony and Clint. And some clues about which family will appear and which family will not.

Before the civil war part.

"Since Clint is so adamant about knowing more about the Vongola, I'll give you a basic run down about the relationship between family in Vongola." Byakuran chirped.

Clint stealthily took out his note book, as if he's been waiting for this for ages. Although he was not allowed to reveal any information about the base, but if he met anyone of the Vongola family or their affiliations, he is given the permission to reveal information about the specific branch family/affiliates. So why not.

"First is the Vongola family. As you all know, there are 6 people closest to the boss which is the sky. However, the 10th generation is a bit unique as they have two mists. Next, is the Vongola branch family, Varia, which is a family specialized in assassination. The next is CEDEF but we can skip that since I don't sense that they will reincarnate here." Byakuran started.

In Clint's notes, there was an additional memo, 'CEDEF(?) will not reincarnate here'. He then flipped his page to the Vongola family section and wrote there:


"The next is the Millefiore family, which has two branches, of which is the Gesso Family, my family. Unfortunately, my guardians did not reincarnate here with me..." Byakuran lamented. "If they did, things would had been soo much more fun." He pouted for a moment.

Clint shivered at the thought of Byakuran having more fun than he already is having. Next to the note on the CEDEF, Clint wrote 'Byakuran's family will not be reincarnating here (luckily)'.

"The other branch is the Giglio Nero Family, which is the family that is headed by the sky of the arcobaleno. However, the arcobaleno is another category and can come from any family. For example, the mist arcobaleno - Viper, AKA Mammon, is part of the Varia. They can also have loose affiliations with a family of their choice, like Verde, which is a scientist and holds the lightning pacifier." Byakuran babbles on. "Next, we hav-"

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Pacifiers? Like those that you'd get for your baby? Well, not that baby, I mean infants. You know, the ones that-" Tony rambles. He stops however, when he saw Byakuran's wide smile.

"Well? Continue." Byakuran continues smiling.

"Ahem, I mean to ask, pacifiers?" Tony avoids Byakuran's gaze.

Byakuran allows the awkwardness to seep into the atmosphere, just for the heck of it. And well, watching the billionaire squirm is kinda entertaining. Only after a while did Byakuran replied, "The pacifiers for the arcobaleno is like our rings. Basically, it is used to assist in harnessing our flames externally."

Tony gave a look that said, 'but why pacifiers?', of which Byakuran skillfully ignored, as usual.

"Finally, we have the Simon family. The Vindice can be ignored since you would not meet them anyway."

Clint wrote another memo in his notes, in the now revised column.

Families that will not appear:

"By the way, despite how Enma looks, he is actually the head of the Simon Family!" Byakuran said happily. Partly because of the disbelief in his two new guardian's face. Byakuran could imagine them thinking back towards Enma's pathetic looking silhouette before relating it to the word 'boss'.

'Haha' Byakuran thought, 'I wonder how their expression would be when they meet Enma for the reincarnators gathering this month.' With that thought, Byakuran grinned even wider. Which makes him looks a little crazy. Then again, he is.

Clint slowly backs away from the creepily laughing sky - not willing to know what is going on in that psychotic mind of his. Tony on the other hand, looks at Byakuran with interest - hoping to get a glimpse of what mischievous concoction of a plan, Byakuran is brewing.

Byakuran stopped cackling and finally said the sentence that Clint has been hoping for since he stepped into this room. "Well, that's all the basics you're getting from he today."

Before Byakuran could say a 'bye', Clint has already dashed out of the asylum-like room. I mean literally. The whole room was white. Who decorates a whole room white!

After Clint dashed out of the room, Byakuran claps two times and the whole room was filled with touchable holograms. Well, at least we know what is in that now 'not' white room.

Word count: 756 words.

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