Chapter 3: Screwing with the government

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Sakuya here with another chapter courtesy of my semester break. I'm finally in college. Yay.

Anyway, can someone give me some ideas on the title. It feels a bit out and uninteresting.

"What!" Fury screamed. "Are you implying that a powerful male enhanced, no older than 7, is in the field! What is he doing there!? How is he even there!? No, in the first place, why is he leisurely strolling there!? With a bag of marshmallows of all things! Why a bag of marshmallows!?"

The all so egoistic stark. "That's what I said!"

"Um... Sir, he just sprouted wings... white wings, and is flying towards Stark Tower." Steve hesitantly gave his two cents on the situation.

"Great. Just great. Now we just need to have him say that he's an angel that came from heaven to assist mankind now, don't we?" As expected of our resident master of furious sarcasm, Director Fury. He doesn't play around.

"Director! The enhanced just went into a sweet shop near my position..." The black widow paused for a moment before continuing. "He's carrying out an old couple trapped in there and two bags of... marshmallows?"


An eerie silence washed over the coms.

"Seriously, marshmallows again!? He really needs to see a nutritionist if that's all he eats. Doesn't he know that marshmallows are full of sugar and can give him diabetes! Who are his guardians I need a word with them! Jarvis. Help me look for kids with similar height as that kid. I don't care if it's school records of medical records. Just identify them and place them in a new file. Bet that Mr. Pirate wants them too."

"Wow, Stark is nagging over a kid. The world must be ending." Clint remarked.

"Technically, it is. Now stop your chit chat and get your ass in there to prevent it!" Fury fumed.

"Aye, aye captain. Jeez, no need to blow your top, your hair might fall off."

"I'm bald Stark."

"...dully noted," Tony replied, remembering that the director indeed dis not have any hair.

Fury massage his temples, feeling drained.

"Romanov, situation update." When he did not hear an answer he called again. "Romanov!"

"Their wounds... He's healing their wounds!" Natasha replied, snapping out of her daze(though she will never admit it as it is an insult to someone with her level of ability)

"Furthermore, the injuries that he healed are not just minor scratches... From what I can see, the husband had a metal of about 3cm in diameter pieced from his back to his front. I estimated that it's near his lungs or else he would be dead by now. Also, his shoulders dislocated and his head is injured... Severity is unknown."

Clint whistled while Tony was in his 'genius mode', giving comments on how great it would be if they can replicate that energy signature to heal wounds. Bla bla bla.

"...Sir, the kid is throwing a tantrum." Widow suddenly reports sounding exasperated and worn out as if a few minutes watching the Mare sky's attics had wear her down more so than the god of mischief's temper tantrum.

"A what now!?" Fury says in a monotonous voice, but if heard closely, one can hear the disbelief as well as annoyance laced in his voice.

"A tantr-" Her words went unspoken as a loud shout was heard from the boy she was stalking.

"Seriously! If I catch the one who did this, I'll make sure to traumatise him so badly that even Tsunayoshi's counselling will not help, before I let him go!" Byakuran held his head in frustration. "Gah! That was my favourite marshmallow shop! I'm definitely complaining to Sho-chan when I catch hold of him!"

Byakuran's Guide To Screwing With The World(Avengers X Khr Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now