Chapter 24: Let's hit the mountains, literally

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Because Wakanda entrance is hidden behind a hologram which looks like a mountain. Get it? Hit the mountains? If you don't get it go search. I'm not explaining more.

Just to tell you I have almost no experience with black culture... so, my writing of Wakanda may not be very good...

Btw, Happy Pride month! I think...? I googled it. We don't have it here in Malaysia so I didn't know it was pride month until I saw it on an author's announcement.

Anyway, enjoy~

It was finally December. Meaning: Holiday! The three arcobalenos can now put their plan for Code: Black in motion now! Their first stop, Africa, Nigeria. Mostly because they had no idea where was their target except that it's around West Africa. As for how they got that information...? Apparently, Verde's little science helper's ("Test subject." Verde corrects) father, has the glowing blue bottom lip thing that they had seen (meaning: grabbed those from Wakanda and drug them unconscious as they were coming out from the pub (drinking of course, sobers are hard to work with especially with no mists to alter memories). Then Verde did a fast whole body checkup before dumping them back to the alley of the pub within a minute or two) from some of those people in the 'building of interest'.

The little helper (Test subject! Verde yells, exasperated) had recently told Verde that she was going back to her father's hometown for the first time. Verde happily congratulates her and gave her 3 vials of different flame types (sun, rain and lightning), and yes, all the vials were bugged with trackers. The flames within the vials has been concentrated and liquidized into 10 milliliters flame filled vials and a flame conducting gun with a compartment to place the said vials inside to use the specific flames. All of which were for people with no flame circuits, which apparently is a thing for people in this world.

Yes, most people have no flames.

And this is how they had ended up in Nigeria.

Staring at the mountain few miles away.

If Verde is correct, there should be a forcefield in that area since the tracker signal was lost once it went beyond the mountain. As for the idea that they were misled into a wild goose chase from someone with better IT specialities into the middle of nowhere?

That was not possible since they had incorporated flame technology inside. And unless the hacker had the talent to break into the whole new can of worms of Verde's expertise, within what? 8 days? There was no way the arcobalenos could be thrown into said wild goose chase.

Well, unless they used the manual way to take his liquid fires to the mountains with the trackers still in them...

Verde does not regret giving those liquid fires to his test subject though.

In the corner of his eyes, he saw Reborn and Colonnello giving him meaningful looks and whispering among one another that he was fond of his friend. Of which he ignored and went back to solving the case of the vanishing trackers. And if his ears were tinted pink, that was absolutely a trick of the light.

Or anger.

Or both.

(Anyway, he will not admit that he was fond of the hyperactive girl with brains that could keep up with his if trained well.)


Rose was absolutely delighted when her father rushing to report to 'King(?)' dumped her to the one he called Princess Shuri. No serious, she is delighted. The technology within Shuri's lab was an absolute utopia for her. She was sure that it will be Verde's utopia too.

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