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Rose's POV

I sat with my legs popped up on glass table, sipping on my orange juice which Veronica made for me, early in the morning. Apparently I woke up with cold sweats all over my body and according to her, I have developed a fever. Which remotely seems true since my body is aching everywhere, and my nose feels stuffed but runny at the same time. I have been ignoring Eran's calls and texts all morning and I don't even know why.

Something shifted in my mind ever since that incident which occurred last night. I couldn't think straight and I felt as if my mind was running a mile, a minute. The dark thoughts continuously swirled around my mind like some tsunami I couldn't escape. I gripped my hair and started to pull my hair and dropped my hands again before gripping the sheets as if they were my last tether to sanity. The idea of killing him, the one person who might be aware of my past, of finally ending the torment he brought into my life, seemed to shimmer in my mind like a twisted beacon of peace. It would be so simple, so clean. One swift motion, and the noise in my head would stop.

What the hell? What am I even thinking?

I trembled, horrified at the depth of my own madness. How could I think such things? I was losing my peace, piece by piece, to the darkness inside.

A loud crash on the glass table ahead of me, echoed throughout the room and I shook. Veronica stepped in, her face a picture of worry as she placed another glass of orange juice in front of me.

"What? You planning to burn holes in that knife?" asked Veronica as I shook myself from my wild thoughts. What have I been even thinking? Murdering someone? Has insanity gotten to me, finally?

It's just that, I feel so shaken up because of the recent incidents which someone suddenly decided to surprise me with, after so many years. I feel exposed and as if there is another person in this world who may or may not be aware of my past and the things I did. I feel a strange kind of an irritation, an urge, a burning desire to hunt that person down and remove him from the bits of earth. This urge isn't good, it isn't healthy and I'm fully aware of it, but I'm not able to help myself.

"Umm, no, I was just wondering about something" I say finally removing my eyes from the knife and turned to meet Veronica's horrified expression.

"Hey," she said softly, sitting down beside me. Her hand found mine, her touch grounding me, pulling me back to reality. "You don't look so good."

I tried to muster a smile, but it felt like my face would crack under the strain. "I'm fine," I lied, the words tasting bitter on my tongue.

Veronica shook her head, her eyes scanning my face. "You have a bad fever and I think you really need to see a doctor. I laughed, a sound so hollow that even I couldn't recognize my own voice. "A doctor can't fix what's wrong with me, sis" Her grip tightened on my hand, as soon as those words left my mouth and it killed me to see how her expressions of worry turned into horror and fear. "Why are you saying things like that? You're not well, because you just have a fever and that's it" she replied, more like explaining her words to herself.

I looked away, the tears burning in my eyes and smiled softly so that's she understands that I'm not a threat to her. " who are you kidding, little sister? Do you think after whatever happened in my past, I would be able to live my life peacefully?" I said, standing up as I could feel her stare right at me. "we promised to never speak about this again" she said, getting up alongside me and taking the glass of orange juice in her hand, irritation visibly visible in her words.

"yes" I say as she sighed and looked at me. Placing her now cold as ice hands on my arms she turned me towards her. "Whatever happened in the past, wasn't your fault Rose"

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