Chapter 19

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Rose's POV

My heart fluttered like a teenager just in love with her high school boyfriend. Getting down from his car, we walked to the ice cream shop as I longed to hold his hand but i guess it's too soon now. Eran is such a gentleman. I love how he knows how to respect a girl and what to do in order to make her feel special and comfortable. I love how he actually ended up coming at my place to solve a misunderstanding. It felt nice to see that my grief and our argument was important to him. 

We walked four steps towards the parlor as he held my wrist, the awakening of the chills never stopping. I turned to look at him and stilled noticing his furrowed eyebrows. "you are not wearing shoes" he says as I looked down to realise what he just said. "Yeah, I forgot to change" I said, tucking a piece of my hair lock behind my ears. He sighed and held the back of his head with his right palm and the left arm hung on his waist and started to look here and there, nervously.

"It's okay, I'll be fine" I say softly as he started to shake his head vigorously. "You are gonna hurt your feet". My heart did a somersault the second, when without a word, he bent down, his fingers deftly untying the laces of his sneakers before slipping them off his feet.

"Here," he said softly, holding out his shoes to me with a gentle smile. "I don't want you to be uncomfortable."

I stared at him in disbelief, my heart swelling with emotion at the sight of him standing there, offering me the very shoes off his feet. It was such a simple gesture, yet it spoke volumes about the depth of the selflessness of his soul. 

I don't deserve him

Tears welled up in my eyes as I reached out to take the proffered shoes, feeling the warmth of his touch against my skin. I slipped them on and felt a rush of gratitude wash over me.

With his shoes now protecting my feet, we resumed our stroll towards the parlor. And as we walked, I couldn't help but steal glances at him, marveling at the depth of his kindness and the beauty of his spirit. His brown hair bounced like marbles dropping on the mosaic, his long eyelashes softly grazing his upper cheeks, the tip of his tongue wetting his lips every now and the. He walked side by side with mine, our arms brushing every two seconds with elements of electricity brewing in my blood.

In that moment, not being able to touch his hands and feel his warmth and letting his warmth warm my cold hands felt like a punishment worse than death. I blushed, as I felt an overwhelming sense of peace wash over me. The simple act of offering me his shoes, I had found a love that transcended words and defied logic—a love that was as boundless as the deepest seas.

The soft chime of the bell announced our arrival as we stepped into "Frost & Swirl," the posh ice cream parlor which sat amidst the bustling city streets. Bustling city streets is a stretch, today the road felt too long and there weren't much traffic to my surprise also. The air was thick with with the sweet aroma of freshly churned delights. 

We sat opposite to each other as his eyes narrowed down to my hair. I got all self conscious as I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. "What" I asked, squirming beneath his scrutiny. "I never knew that you had blue hair, under all those brown ones" He says as I let out a sigh of relief. "Oh my God, how come I have never told you this? I have blue hair since two years now" I replied as his mouth fell open.

"Wha- are you serious? Shit that looks awesome as hell!" he says with his eyes all sparkling, and those dimples making an appearance again. He fists his right palm and places on his mouth to stifle his gasp, and grabs the corner of the table with his left hand. His veins popped on his left hands, as I quickly clenched my thighs, my heartbeats taking off again. I might as well have a heart attack any second, for the amount of times it has gone crazy. 

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