Chapter 27

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"How have you been?" asked Eran, his voice fully giving his worry and anxiety away. I have been avoiding his calls and messages since the morning because of some certain activities I was occupied with. Plus it felt like a crime to engage with him, after the entirety of my past was shoved at my face in the span of two days. I wanted to text back and ask him to come at my place and we could go somewhere just like that day and he would steal all of my worries and agonies in a jiffy with that contagious smile of his.

But it felt as if I was tainting his pristine soul with my darkness and dirt, and watching him fade into the hollowness and the haunting reality of existence and get captured within the tortures of life alongside me, was the last thing I ever wanted for him. He was yet to taste the bitter side of the world and I really wanted to keep him like that.

Untouched, unhinged and undisturbed from the bloody torments of life. He deserved to remain and thrive in that happy bubble of illusion which God created for him where existed his dear mother, his friends and his angelic Rose. And God forbid if anyone dared to show him any mirrors of melancholy or agony, if anyone touches even the silhouette of his hair, I'll hunt them down and remove their existence from this universe. Something, I'm really good at.

"Rose?" his voice came through. "Here. I have been fine, I apologize for not picking your calls up. I was a bit occupied" I replied, tears burning in my eyes.

"It's fine, I was just a bit concerned. Why's your voice all groggy?" "I have a cold" I said, as I stood up and watched my reflection on the mirror. Dark circles, dry lips and a messy bun. I don't understand what got to me the most, the fever, or the threat which still continues to lurk?

"Did you visit the doctor?" asked Eran, his voice became serious out of nowhere, and it somehow made me grin. "I did, and she even gave me lots of medications and im on my third glass of orange juice at the moment" I reply as he gave off a laughter, which made me smile as well. No wonder I call his smile contagious.

"I'm guessing the doctor is Veronica" he says. "Mmhmm" I reply, putting the phone down on my table where the box earlier was and put it on the speaker. My head felt extremely heavy and my throat felt as if some sharp pin was scratching the walls of it.

"Since you are all feverish and agitated, get prepared to laugh by me, the best joker in town, not the killer clowns though" he says, energy radiating through each word.

"Go ahead, then. I could use a good laugh." I say, coughing once.

"So, why do you think the scientists don't trust atoms?" he says

I tilt my head to think and nothing really came through. I sighed and said, "I don't know, why?"

"Because love, they literally make up everything!" and with that he gave off a loud laughter, successfully earning a smile from me.

"That was so lame" I said as he laughed continuously.

"Fine, since you doubted my abilities, ill give you one more chance to say that I'm the best joker. Okay so, what do you get when you cross a snowman and a vampire?" he banters again as I roll my eyes.

I shook my head out of irritation. "I don't know, Eran. What?"

"Frostbite!" He exclaimed as if he discovered a diamond mine or something and I could literally hear him jumping around. The tension slightly leaving my body as my cheeks now started to hurt out of smiling so much.

"Wait, I have got another one! Why did the scarecrow win an award?"

"Why?" I ask, waiting to be dumbfounded once again.

"God, silly! I have to explain everything. Because he was outstanding in his field, duh!" He replies and this time I really did break into a hearty laughter. I could almost imagine Eran, fully satisfied and pleased with his dad jokes and how was able to break a smile on my face without completely breaking his back. His face lit with joy with a grin painted on his face flashed through my mind. My heart beats quickened.

"Take my advise, you really should go on stage with these" I said as he chuckled

"Only if you're in the front row, cheering me on," Eran replied. A rush of warmth seeped through my disturbed mind, and I could tell how anyone would be able to detect the crimson painted on my cheeks. "Oh well, I would never miss it," I say as he smiled. "Yes, only you wouldn't" he replied with a sad undertone in his voice.

My heart instantly constricted at the thought of it. The second I opened my mouth to say something he cut me short by saying, "Can't believe even though you are sick, the sound of your laughter feels like the peaceful ring of church bells" He says as I blushed hard.

We continued to banter for ten minutes more minutes, as Veronica knocked on my door. Smiling I continued talking to him as I got the door. Veronica's head peered through the door as she mouthed an "Oh, okay continue" and closed my door ever so slightly.

A strange crashing sound of a glass falling on the floor came crashing through the line as I got startled and almost dropped my phone. I clutched the phone closer to my ear and said

"Hello? What was that?"

No response

"Eran, talk!" I yelled, agitation and fear creeping through my spine. I started pacing across the room as my heels screeched heavily across the wooden floor. I started to pull my hair with my left hand as I continued shouting for an ounce of his silky voice. I craved listening to him even though we have been talking the entire time. My heart was about to burst through my rib cage as sweat trickled down my forehead. There was a strange burning sensation on my skull as a fierce need to scratch the shit of my neck washed through me.

I scratched and scratched my neck as if it provided me some strange senses of sanity. I scratched until remnants of skin transferred into my nails and my shirt started to feel wet due to the blood. I scratched until i started to wait for my brain to feel any pain and bring me out of this sinking feeling. I scratched until i felt drops of blood falling over the floor and the stench of raw blood hung around in my room. My voice started to feel hoarse because of my shouting but there was no response from Eran's side. 

"This is not funny!" I screamed more as the call finally got disconnected and my feet took off. 

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