Chapter 14

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Rose's POV
It has been half and hour since we have been waiting for John,the new date of Daisy. She gets a new date almost every week, but still cries over for everyone the number of times she gets her heart broken. Her last relationship lasted for almost two years, ib which she seems to hold her pride like glue. Well, I don't think she is much of a troublesome girlfriend. All she wants is a loyalty, someone who would accept her the way she is, which honestly, most boyfriends or boys have an issue giving.

Sweat trickled down my back as I could practically feel the heat melting my makeup. I wore a very thin sundress today with a loose scarf tied around my head, but still i feel as if the sun is lighting my dress on fire. I wiped off a bead of a sweat forming on my hairline and let out a frustrated sigh. "If this is how the weather's gonna be the whole day, I'm gonna be barbequed in within the next five minutes" I said, as Daisy started to wave her hands like a fan over her face. She was wearing a tight black dress, with stilettos and watching her glowing like a furnace under this scorching sun felt less pretty, but more pitiful for me. She was literally breathing flames. 

"I know right" answered Tina. I nodded as Richard took out a napkin from his backpack and offered to me. I smiled and showed the piece of tissue in my hand now, which looked more like a soaked cheese at the moment. Richard knows that I have been talking to someone else at the moment and how sorry I'm because I didn't give us another chance. But as I said before, even though I had a teeny tiny crush on him, he and I, it just never quite felt right to me.

After about waiting for more ten minutes, Daisy pointed towards this cafe which seemed to have air conditioner in it and we all gave a sigh of relief and rushed towards our designated, much needed heaven. Upon entering the cafe, I crinkled my nose because of the sudden scent of coffee beans and cake. I could already feel my throat constrict with sweetness and that alone made me nauseaus. Me and sugar, we don't go hand in hand, but I did spare a soft corner for spicy foods. 

Speaking of spice, I still can't get rid of the way Eran stared at me today and the way his scorching gaze landed on my chest when I crossed my arms, and unintentionally almost flashed. I had immediately recovered my posture but couldn't help but dwell in that heated moment for another extra second. The feeling felt so different when I noticed how his adam's apple bobbed and how his eyes seemed to enjoy my little moment of fortuitous slip. I clenched my thighs together at the erotic thoughts which appeared in my mind without an invitation. As if the summer heat wasn't enough, I had to lead my mind towards him. 

I cleared my throat and frowned a second later when his red mad face flashed across my mind. There was no denying the way his whole mood fell drastically the second Richard kept his hand on my shoulder. His face was quick to shed every colour, my slip had invited in, instead his eyes started to look all bloodshot as if he didn't sleep for three days all at once. I didn't understand if I should relish in his visible jealousy or frighten myself because of his possessive self. Even though I had to leave the exact second for the movies, the fact that he wanted to hang up before me didnt go unnoticed by my frantic mind. 

I didnt budge, instead let him take his time and ventured out myself. Tina's manicured fingers clipped right in front of my eyes as I snapped back to the cafe. She started sipping on a cup of coffee as Daisy looked at me with raised eyebrows. When was the coffee served again? Where are you lost?" asked Daisy. I huffed saying, "Eran and I had a little moment of heat, no not that heat" I clarified quickly because of the horrified look on Richard and Tina's faces. "I mean't, like a slight disagreement" I added. 

If I didnt see it right, I would think that I literally just saw Daisy roll her eyes in my peripherals. I might be wrong. "Okay love, getting all worked up for Eran, isn't worth it at all" said Daisy as three sets of curious eyes, including mine shot towards her. "What? Like I know that group better than you" replied Daisy being all throaty. I cleared my throat as a sense of utter envy flowed through my veins.

Not envy, I think I might just be curious. "How would you know that" I asked casually while checking for the time on my phone. I deliberately emphasized the word 'you' as I questioned her as I could literally, mentally and physically feel my curiosity rising.

"Jessica and Ricky used to try to get us together, as in for dating you know?"  replied Daisy, keeping her eyes and facial expressions all poker like as is she was holding her pride over the facts she spat. "What do you mean by, get 'us'.." "Hey!" yelled John appearing out of nowhere cutting me off. Daisy quickly got on her heels and pulled John in for a kiss as his arms snaked around her snatched waist. Tina gazed at me while Richard pretended to stare at his phone. "You good, bro?" asked Tina as I simply nodded.

The hell I was fine. I was in no place for calm. How come she never told me that her other friends were planning to get them all hitched or something. This is not something that you keep to yourself when you can see your best friend talking with that same exact guy. How come Eran never told me this? How could Daisy not tell me this? Unintentionally my eyes roamed all over her feast like body, her smooth hair spilling in all the right directions with her skin glowing like a sparkling glass under spotlights. Sheepishly, my eyes slowly looked at the mirror in front of me, behind a beautiful vase. 

A girl in tousled curly hair, double chin, with blue streaks and a sundress which made the flesh bulge from all the wrong directions stared back at me. I sat up straight for the horrendous feeling that washed all over me. I glanced over Daisy's plate and saw freshly sliced fruits and a half piece of brownie in my hand. Bile rose up my throat as I placed the brownie back on the plate.

 What is this feeling that I'm feeling, right now? It's fine.

I glanced back at the brownie but I had lost all of the appetite. Huffing I glanced towards John and Daisy. "The movie's about to  begin, come on" urged Richard as we all got up  from our chairs. As we exited the cafe, I couldnt help but steal a little glance towards the brownie which still laid clean on the pristine plate. 

It was now an hour,since the movie was going on,and Richard and Tina were so much into the movie but I couldn't concentrate on it at all. My mind was still stuck how Eran must be feeling upset because he didn't drop a single text since I left also not to mention, how Daisy's new information just ruined the entire mood for me to watch e cinema in peace. I huffed and glanced towards Tina and caught her staring at Richard with her starry eyes. Richard turned to look at her as his eyes dropped on her lips and she abruptly shot her gaze towards the screen as Richard continued to look at her. 

Watching their little moment felt a bit rude, but I couldn't help but notice how a slight smile just stretched across my face as I felt my guilt rising off of my chest and a feeling of relied spread through my heart. Smooching sounds entered my thoughts and it would obviously take no Einstein to figure out that Daisy and John were too busy devouring each other now instead of watching the movie. 

An intensifying ache because of someone's absence ripped my heart apart. I wish my hands held his hands instead of this device which hoped for a text from him every second. This movie would have been deemed as a useless shit if he was here with me. I could have easily spent two hours watching him watch the movie. Now each second without him feels like an eternity.

I looked at my phone and checked in my messenger expecting a text from Eran which never actually came. I clicked my phone shut as Daisy's voice startled the hell out of me. 

"Imagine,if he can stay away without talking to you, for this long, I wonder what lies in the future". I closed my eyes out of irritation and looked towards her, literally feeling heat rising to my cheeks.  "Let's leave Eran for me to worry, can't we just watch the movie instead?" I replied. Daisy visibly tensed under my scrutiny as my reply began sinking into her mind. Before she could open her mouth to speak further about it, I turned towards the screen and pretended to be so invested in it.

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