Chapter 18

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Eran's POV

As I ease the car onto the empty street, the low hum of the engine blends with the soft melodies streaming from the radio. The city lights flicker in the distance, but here, on this quiet stretch of road, it feels like we're the only two people in the world. My grip on the steering wheel tightens instinctively as I steal a glance at her. The soft glow of the streetlights dances on her face, accentuating her smile. She looks so alive, so vibrant, sitting right beside me. I can't help but feel a surge of warmth spread through me, knowing that she's here with me, sharing this moment.

When I first saw her running towards me, I couldn't help but feel a bit emotional. It's been a long time since someone got all excited to see me, and there she was, sprinting towards me with her bare feet and her bathrobe exposing her thighs, knocking the breaths of my lungs. I swear I could feel my heart take it's pace and my cock visibly strain in my jeans. I quickly straightened up to curtain the excited man downstairs letting a laugh slip as she stood in front of me, smelling like vanilla, cheeks all pink with an even more pink towel around her wet head. 

I smiled at the recollection as I glanced at her only to find her already staring at me. And this time, it was my cheeks which was lit on fire. It's moments like these, when the world feels still and time seems to slow down, that I cherish the most. With each passing second, I find myself falling more and more in love with her. She looked away, smiling, lip syncing to the Taylor Swift song playing, as she bobbed her head to the beats of the music. I was aware that she was a swiftie and the first thing I did when I got in, was turn on a Taylor Swift song. The excited smile on her face felt like a fucking treat to watch. 

I steal another glance at her, admiring the way her hair catches the moonlight and the way her eyes sparkle with excitement. 

As I navigate the familiar route to my favorite ice cream spot, a sense of contentment washes over me. I feel lucky to have her by my side, to share in these little adventures that make life so sweet. The road stretches out before us, a ribbon of asphalt disappearing into the darkness, but I know that as long as she's here with me, I'm exactly where I'm meant to be.

With each turn of the wheel, I can't help but steal glances at her, drinking in every detail. Her laughter fills the car, and it's like music to my ears. In this moment, everything feels perfect, and I never want it to end. I reach over to take her hand in mine, relishing in the warmth of her touch. It's a simple gesture, but it speaks volumes—of love, of affection, of everything that words fail to express.

As we cruised down the long road which I took deliberately so that I could have her to myself for a bit longer, the conversation in the car had somehow turned into a lively debate about movies. Me and her, we were opposites. I loved the colour maroon, she loved pink, I knew nothing about romance, and all she knows is how to be romantic, I have a very goofy personality and she is very gentle, like a calm breeze and now, and tonight was no exception as we bickered about movies.

"I'm telling you, 'The Godfather' is the greatest movie ever made," I insisted, glancing over at her with a grin. She scoffed, shaking her head. "Please, 'The Godfather' is just a bunch of guys in suits mumbling to each other for three hours. Give me a romantic comedy any day."

I laughed, knowing this was going to be a long debate. "Romantic comedies? You mean those predictable, cheesy movies where the guy always gets the girl in the end?". Rose gasped in mock offense, crossing her hands over the velvet dress I got her. "How dare you! Romantic comedies are the perfect blend of humor, heart, and happily ever afters. Plus, they always leave you feeling warm and fuzzy inside."

I chuckled, shaking my head in disbelief. "I'll never understand your obsession with those sappy love stories. Give me a good action movie any day—explosions, car chases, the whole nine yards."

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