Chapter 02

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Rose's POV
I facepalmed myself before looking into the picture, my best friend Daisy was about to post as an Instagram story. "Oh come on, you look cute, shut up" she said, clicking the 'post' button attempting to post the story. "Are you kidding me? Just see how much of an asshole I look there" I replied snatching her phone, but it was too late. Some guy named, Eran already saw it. "Ugh" I groaned, giving her a stern look as she ran away. "I love you too" she said, sticking her tongue out.

Well, I've always had a number of different problems in my life. But despite all of life's attempts to kill me, here I am, still alive and holding on for dear life.

 My parents died when I was seventeen years old and ever since that I have been living with Rachael and Mike. My parents were killed when they were crushed beneath the wheels of an affluent monstrous man's expensive vehicle. The night is still fresh in my memory and it still haunts my dreams.  My mother pushed me to pull me away from the collision, and I still recall how callously the driver drove away never even thinking of trying to save us, save them. 

I have tried a lot to move on from the grief of my past but I was never able to. Whenever I see someone having fun with their parents I get reminded of that very family who hunted my happiness down. I start to wonder about the amount of lives who lost their rights of existence  because of that man. Rachael and Mike, they are like the best people in this world. They never made me feel that I'm any less than their own daughter, Veronica.  Rachael was my mother's bestfriend and after my parent's demise she and her loving husband, Mike brought me up.  They tried a lot to bring back the spark which used to reside in my eyes, which went down the graves along with my precious parents. They couldn't. 

My father's younger sister, my aunt, was everything to me. She was truly my best friend, my guide and I had no idea what I would do with my life without her. When I learned that she had blood cancer and wouldn't be surviving this time around, I was in sixth grade. It turned out that everyone had known from the beginning, and since I was a child, this is why it had been kept a secret from me. I remember her calling for me in her hospital room and held my hands, handing me over her favourite ring, just before she died. She spoke to me briefly despite being really ill and feeble, spending her dying minutes with me.

Because of my horrible past incidents, I had to shift to another city. Rachael and Mike witnessed me getting sick and depressed, day by day. After few months, I found Daisy in my English class who was shell shocked seeing my condition. We already knew each other, since she was the ex girlfriend of one of my friends from my past.

Daisy was always a sweetheart to me, back then, we used to meet after every other day ,because of our classes. After I moved out, I disconnected connections with everyone I knew and after about six months, I got to see her back again in one of our class. I obviously didn't trust her in the beginning, but later, we became really good friends. She's so selfless and the most beautiful by heart person I have ever seen.

"You coming?" asked Daisy, snapping me out of my deep thoughts. I placed my handbag to the other shoulder and continued to walk towards home. I left Daisy off at her house after much chitchat and gossip about the most pointless and irrelevant topics and started to walk towards my place. The weather was really hot today. My hair scarf flowed in all directions as the heat fell directly on my face, encircling it in warm air and warming it. My parched throat was assaulted by intense thirst as I yearned for a sip of cold water. Sweat trickled down my face as I gave off a big sigh of relief at the sight of my house.

I yelled, "Mom, I'm home," opening my heels and making my way to my room while feeling worn out and exhausted. Rachael doesn't like it if I call her by her name. She says me and Veronica, we are the same and that's why I should call her mum. So, due to the frequent business trips that Dad, as in Mike and mum take, it is exceedingly uncommon to find and see my them home. They would be leaving for China again, in a few days.

I was instantly greeted by the presence of this weird, yet most wanted soul in my room, of my sister, Veronica. "Shut up, I know you missed me, now hand me over your phone" her most asked wish. I rolled my eyes, and threw my phone towards her. She is another important aspect of my life, my cousin, my enemy, my best friend, all in one. We basically grew up together to have each other's backs and are two crazy girls, enough to drive the whole house mad.

She and Ryan who are my  bestfriends, are the only people who are aware of the things I have done in my past. There were so many times I tried to hurt them intentionally so that they leave me and I don't hurt them actually. They swore me to friendship and vowed to never leave me alone and take my secrets to their graves. The things I have done doesn't deserve forgiveness and yet they chose to stick with me. This feeling sometimes pesters me so much that I'm dragging them in my darkness also makes me feel guilty whenever I accidentally hear them talk about how they wish things were different and I never lost my light and submit myself to darkness.

I plopped on my bed, beside her as she scrolled through my Instagram, checking out different male models or her favorite Harry Potter casts. As she scrolled more, she came up to an account which came as a suggested ID to follow. "Hey, hang on" I said, as I took the phone from her, trying to stalk the person's ID, but sadly it was a private account.

I felt as if I was enchanted by the profile picture because it was so gorgeous. Seeing this charming guy, a smile began to play across my face.

His name read Eran.

To be continued

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