Chapter 16

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Rose's POV

I opened my eyes after a short nap, feeling all tired and restless. This little nap was much needed after all the things I felt before going to sleep. I checked my phone to see that i was already 9 pm. My stomach rumbled with hunger. I got up from my bed and sauntered towards my kitchen. The house was empty. Rachael and Michael weren't home, they were off to their business trips and Veronica was at her friend's place. 

So I was left to reign this house all by myself. I lathered jam on a stale bread and quickly took a bite to calm my hungry belly down. I marched towards the living room and turned on the tv. I went to Netflix and turned on the third season of the Vampire Diaries. The season three just ensnares me so much. One, I'm a big time Delena fan and second I love how the feeling of love lingers around in the air in this season, between Damon and Elena. It just warms my heart to see how she finally, subtly realises her love for Damon. 

After finishing my jam bread, I heard the doorbell ring. I quickly dusted off the bread crumbs from my lap and mouth and rushed to get the door. On the opposite side of the door stood Daisy, with her arms crossed in front of her chest, looking all pissed off. I moved from the door and let her come in, and shut the door ever so gently so that none of my actions prove that she is invading my moment of peace I was having for myself.

"Whats up" I say, casually putting my hair in a bun. "Do you like Eran?"she said immediately cutting to the chase. "Yes" i replied without any hint of hesitation so that she gets the hint. "If I had known that you are so into him, I would have warned you earlier" she replies, sitting on my couch, with her freshly manicured hands fanned over my pillows. I rolled my eyes and sat right next to her. "Just spill whatever you want to say Daisy, without beating around the bush" I say to her as she huffed.

"look, you are my best friend and I do not want you to be all sad because of that guy" "Why?" "He literally wasted two years after his ex only to dump her later on. I remember that girl becoming all miserable and depressed because of him. There were many instances where I saw how he used to ignore her calls and texts and used to roam around with his friends" 

The words stung like a slap on my face. The ignoring of texts and calls felt way too familiar. But she didn't need to know that. "Daisy, I really appreciate your concern for me but I assure you, that he isn't like that with me. He treats me so good that it almost feels unreal. We are texting and calling each other all the time and he is so sweet to me" I reply to her as her face started getting even more redder. 

"Yeah? Then why didn't t you guys meet yet? Why does he never put in the efforts to come and see you?" and this time I was rendered speechless. Yes this is true that he still didn't make any efforts to come and see me in person. Yes this is true that this has bothered me so much but I never brought this up before him, thinking maybe he will come on his own someday. I started looking here and there trying to come up with an answer. I picked up the pillow on the ground and placed it back on the couch.

"Exactly, look at you trying to fumble an answer to defend his honor. I never knew that you would turn this desperate for a guy.." "What is the matter with you, Daisy?! Ever since I have started talking with Eran you have grown so distant from me, you don't talk, let alone talk, you do not even look at me properly" "That is not true, I.." "No, let me finish. You didn't even tell me that your other friends were trying to hook you two together, you never told me that you knew him from the very beginning, so yeah it leaves you with no room to talk to me like this" I shot back, my temper giving up.

The more sentences I uttered, the more horrid her expressions became. "Damn girl, how long were you holding your vandetta against me?" she replies as my shoulders drop. I don't understand how any of this is my fault. I rubbed my palms over my face and growled. "Daisy, why are you being like this?" I ask her as she laughs like a maniac. I can't even recognise her anymore. "I'm being like this? Brother, I can't even look at you right now, anymore. Maybe because Eran is this hot shot rich guy, and Richard isn't, explains why he never got the chance" she adds to her miserable words.

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