Chapter: 10

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"Well okay then, Daisy it is" I typed in ten minutes ago, waiting desperately for a reply. Her name shows active ten minutes ago, I wonder where she ran off after seeing my text. The conversation wasn't going on that intriguing but even the little idea of talking with her gets my juices flowing. I loved texting with her, and her little shades of sarcasm thrown right at me, time to time. I never get offended because I know she is just messing around with me.

Also her little withdrawals, slight changes in the attitude at the slightest mention of Daisy doesn't go unnoticed by me. I wonder if she's jealous of Daisy or maybe isn't that much fond of her. But according to Jessica, Daisy and Rose are really good friends. I have even watched Jessica bickering about their closeness with Ricky and whine about how Daisy pays less attention towards her. 

I wonder what's the real case over here. But I also refrain my mind from tempting me to go and just directly ask Rose about it. I couldn't do so, because if I did that, she will probably run away to some other continent. She likes to keep herself as far away from me as possible and also doesn't really open up to me about herself that much. As I said before, patience is really the ultimate key over here. 

The fact that I was supposed to go out today with my friends and I absolutely forgot about it is unreal. I got so much involved in that conversation that I didn't even realize that I have been sitting on my couch with the car keys and my wallet in my left hand for the past fifteen minutes. Okay, where did she go all of a sudden. A strange queasy feeling in my stomach begins to bug me as I ponder over her abrupt disappearance. I mentally punch myself because of not being able to resist the urge to text her again. 

Eran: "You there?"

Tick tick one

Tick tick two

Still no text. I debate with my mind again before sighing. I hope I didn't scare her away or I hope she doesn't think that I'm deliberately trying to make her feel jealous of other girls. I keep my eyes glued on our inbox until three dots appear on the conversation. I mentally fist bump with myself as if I had just won over a football match. 

Rose: "Of course"

Eran: "So, where did you go?"

Those three dots appear once more before disappearing and the appear again. I didn't ask such a hard question though, why is it taking her so long to reply. My knees starts to shake as I run my hand through my hair taking a look on the mirror. I'm still all set and ready to go and meet with my peers but for some reason my mind refuses to end this chat with her.

Rose: "I drifted off, I had a long day today"

Aww, poor soul fell asleep and I can't believe that I have been beating myelf up thinking so many weird stuffs. Of course she drifted off, she is a human being and some other things doesn't need to occur for ignoring my texts. I tell myself.

Eran: "I see. I apologise if I have been disturbing your nap"

Rose: "Ah, it's perfectly fine I promise. So, what do you like to do in your free times?"

She is interested to know more about me

Eran: "Annoy my sister, get out with my friends. It depends on my mood. What about you?"

Rose: "Didn't we have this exact conversation before?"

Eran: "I mean you are the one who wanted to know, also everything feels new with you"

I type that with my heart in my mouth. I don't know if she is going to get offended with my little flirtation right there and hide away for months. I hope not. 

Rose: " Oh well well, he flirts"

Yeah, she's cool with it, but I really shouldn't push it.

Eran: "Haha, so when's your birthday?"

Rose:  "24th October"

Only two months to go. I fight the urge to jump with excitement. It's going to be her first birthday with me. Images of pink birthday balloons, sparkly backdrops with delicious treats decorated on a table fills in my mind within two seconds. I can't believe that her birthday is in two months. I'm going to throw her the best birthday party of her life. I type, 'oh, only two months to go for your birthday' keeping the excitement to myself.

 I don't even know why do I feel so damn exhilarated regarding every damn matters which are related to her. It's not like she's my girl friend. Hell she isn't even my best friend. I have known her since what, few days? and that's my condition already? What is it about her that literally keeps me on my toes all the time, and my heart on the edge every second?

I kept my fingers glued to my phone as we texted about many different things. He's got such a good sense of humor, I swear I had to bite my lips at certain occasions to keep me from laughing and attracting Veronica's attention. 

Eran: "Oh, only two months to go for your birthday"
Rose: "Yes, When's yours?"
Eran: "January"
Rose: "Date?"
Eran: "Yes my lady, I would love to! Is there any certain favorite place you prefer to go?"
Rose: "Yeah you wish! I meant, when's your birth date in January?"

"Someone's cheeks are painted all red" Veronica teases as I roll my eyes, being absolutely aware of my red cheeks. I am yet to fathom the fact how this random stranger has it in him to dip my cheeks in crimson. A dark feeling of uneasy creeps up my spine with the little petulant voice of the other me who resides somewhere in my mind to keep me on my toes. Her usual job is to basically warn me to steer clear of any romantic notions which my romantic heart doesn't approve of. My other me can go to hell now.  

Eran: "You are close"

I laugh out loud this time as a sexually devious meaning pops out of that simple answer he just gave. Veronica looks at me beaming with curiosity and I practically shove the phone at her face as I clutch my stomach out of giggling.

"Oh my gosh, you and your double meanings! Calm your tits girl!" replies Veronica stifling her laughter as I compete to get a hold of my shallow breaths. "I wonder how are you guys going to get on the sext part!" Veronica says as I laugh and sit up and she swiftly places a soft cushion behind my back. The little gesture leaves an innuendo of a smile on my face. "You know, it's nice to see you smile after a long time" she adds as I nod gazing at her.  

"Girls" mom yelled over from the living room as Veronica rose up to her knees on the bed to listen more carefully. "Jenna would be coming to our house, in a while and she would be staying here for couple a weeks, since her college classes has begun" she finishes her sentence as all the joy and excitement slowly made their way out. I looked at Veronica who rolled her eyes and sighed.

Are you kidding me

Jenna and I, we don't get along at all. She is my cousin from my mother's side and she despises me with all she has got. I'm no fan of her as well.  She used to be my best friend, and as of now, she's my nemesis. She started hating me ever since I gave away her disgusting truth in front of her friends. I had exposed her cheating on her boyfriend. She was screwing her boyfriend's best friend behind his back for months and the second I got the whiff of it, I didn't choose to keep my mouth shut.

 No matter how much dear that person is to me, I would never ever support anyone who has been cheating on their partner and playing with their emotions. That shit is messed up.

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