Chapter 28

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Eran's POV

I kept on making the most stupidest jokes in the world and continued to make Rose laugh. More like cringe, I bet she was cringing the second any words made out of my lame ass mouth. But she was laughing and I think that right there was my award for the most funniest joke ever.

I lied on my stomach and went on and on about my weird shits. Her voice felt really hoarse, and she was sniffling every now and then. Her fever was hurting her and it was hurting me to see her like that. I made a mental note of sending flowers and some chocolates at her place later after I hang up, which I don't intend to do any sooner.

Then there's my mind, triggering that same old fear. Am I pushing it too hard? Are we moving way too fast? What is she going to think about me? I don't know why there has always been something at the back of my mind whenever I spoke with Rose. Words aren't enough to describe that feeling but it's not good but I still can't stop myself from speaking to her.

It's a weird anxiety, a nervous feeling which makes my skin crawl. I have always wanted to speak to her about this but this will make her upset and I can't afford to do that.

"Only if you're in the front row, cheering me on" I said back as there was a visible sound of her silky laughter coming through the phone. I could literally picture her red cheeks and nose as I smiled to myself as well. "Oh well, I would never miss it,"she said back as a hint of anguish flashed through my mind

Appreciations for anything is something that I never really got from anyone. My mother remained too busy in maintaining the peace of our house, so busy that she hardly ever got the time to spend with me or talk about the things I have achieved, or wanted to achieve.And as mentioned before, my father and I have a very strict and formal relationship with each other.

"Yes, only you wouldn't" I replied, pushing those intrusive yet painful thoughts away. There was a silence of three seconds from her side and I was fully aware of how well she knows me and my voice changes but right now, she is the focus so I can't really start talking all about myself. That's rude as fuck.

"Can't believe even though you are sick, the sound of your laughter feels like the peaceful ring of church bells" I mutter as she laughed out loud, her blushing hard giving it completely away, no matter how hard she tried hiding it. I brushed my hand over the back of my neck and leaned across the balcony door.

We continued to talk for more fifteen minutes as I walked towards my cupboard to show her a perfume I got for myself as suddenly the door to my room burst open with a loud bang. Before my brain could register anything my feet took off and I jumped with my heart thumping loudly in my throat and the next thing I know is my phone knocking the flower vase on my table top. My phone dropped and the flower vase crashed alongside it.

"BOO!" my stupid friends all shouted as I pinched my forehead with my fingers. I drew in a big breath attempting to calm myself. The peaceful ambience because of Rose's soft laughter was now completely shattered because of their deafening scream. There stood Hunter and Ricky in the doorway with a smug grin painted on their idiotic faces.

"Really?" I asked, being clearly annoyed. The murderers of my phone and my moment with Rose started to grin even more wearing absolutely some ridiculous set of costumes, more like Halloween outfits which never made any sense to me. Ever. There was Hunter impersonating a vampire with fake blood dripping lazily from his filthy mouth and my lips crinkled out of disgust. Then there was Ricky wearing an even more ridiculous costume of a.. is that a werewolf mask? Yes it is. My God!

Upon noticing no signs of humour on my face they looked at each other and their stupid smiles fell like fallen soldiers. I pointed towards the wall where the body of my late phone lied as their gaze shifted and their hands instantly reached their mouths. They gulped hard in front of me as they slowly took in the sight of my phone.

"Uh oh" said Ricky as I huffed. "Exactly" I said as Hunter brought his left hand in front of me and I saw how he was holding a beautiful big chocolate cake in his hand.

For a whole moment the room was stifling with stunned silence and to avoid the any more situations of awkwardness I said, "What's this cake for?" They again looked at each other and muttered, "What do you mean, what's this cake for, it's for your birthday dude! Happy Birthday!"

"Even though we just ruined it, clearly" added Ricky, "No we didn't, he is always on his phone, the phone committed suicide on it's own, it needed to rest" Hunter interjected.

"Yes, it is quite literally resting in peace" I say as they drop their costumes and Ricky pulls his mask off, "Yeah, man. We were just trying to give you a good scare for your birthday. We didn't think you'd drop your phone like that."

I draw a deep breath in trying hard to calm my racing heart. "You guys are complete idiots, you know that?" I say, although there actually was a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of my mouth. I had completely forgotten that tonight was my birthday.

Hunter stepped forward, holding up his hands in a placating gesture and I almost wanted to reshape the design of his jaw. "Okay, okay. We'll make it up to you. Promise."

"Yeah, we'll get your phone fixed. Or buy you a new one. Whatever you want" said the other one as I rolled my eyes.

I looked between the two of them, their earnest expressions breaking down my irritation. Despite the chaos they'd caused, they were still my best friends, and they'd clearly gone to some effort to plan this out. The ridiculousness of the situation began to sink in, and I couldn't help but laugh.

"You guys are the worst," I said, shaking my head. "But alright, you're forgiven since you two remember my birthday"

We three burst into laughter as we all cut the cake together and we start slicing those cake pieces. The cake was so delicious, the chocolate batter almost melted like smooth butter in my mouth, leaving a chocolaty aftertaste. "It's good" I say, as Hunter looks at Ricky. "I told you he was going to love this one!" they begin laughing amongst themselves.

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