Chapter 32

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Rose's POV
Today is my birthday. I never really look forward to this day since my parents live abroad and I basically stay in my apartment alone with not a good amount of friends at all. I mean at my age,there must be a thousand of teenagers dying to live all alone so they could bring up their friends or boyfriends at their places and have the time of their lives.

And in my place,as you can see it's pretty different. It's been five months since me and Eran are talking and non of us has still asked the "question" yet. I'm kinda scared to ask him out and start a whole new serious relationship because the things I had to go through in my past are real traumatizing and I do not know if I want that for myself again.

And that brings the question of why I might talk like this about Eran,and the answer is no,I ain't saying these stuffs for Eran because obviously he is the best person I have ever come across with. No wonder if I get in a relationship with him,I'll stay happier than ever. I blinked my eyes twice before arriving in the current situation as I saw Daisy heating up my straightener.

At the moment,she's preparing me for some kind of glow up for the occasion of my birthday. I'm kinda feeling anxious for the students who would suddenly see this glow up of mine in the class for only one day,and I'll be back to looking homeless the next day. "Dais,stop it! You have already applied a shit ton of makeup on my face and that's enough glow up for today,I don't think I need to rectify my hair as well. Can I just stay natural?" I said to Daisy who just rolled her eyes at me.

"This is not called rectifying your hair,this is called straightening your hair and it's necessary so shut up! It's your birthday man!!!" replied Daisy. "So? So what it's my birthday? I still don't .." I'm cut off by the nice little straightener doing wonders to my messy hair as I realized talking to this girl is like talking to a wall right now.

I quickly finished dolling up and grabbed my bag and left for the class. Last night,I received such beautiful stories Eran posted for me on Instagram for my birthday. I have always wanted someone for myself who will never be afraid of showing me off,or who will be so proud of me and being with me,and I feel so lucky being with him since he never forgets to make me feel so special.

Today's summer had an unexpected gift for me. Rain. Yeah,and that made Daisy look at me which disappointment floating in her eyes. "Your makeup is water proof but your hair is going to be soaking wet" she said as her words escaped my ears. I wasn't really attentive towards my look today rather was focusing on the beauty of today's weather.

Standing outside on the doorstep of my centre my arms started to fold them around me in the best warm hug I could possibly get without Eran around me. I stepped outside and felt the little tiny droplets grazing my face and I closed my eyes feeling every second of it. After such a harsh summer,this was all I needed and demanded from the rain to plaster my hair to my face.

Kaleidoscope. This is the only word which comes in my head whenever I think of rain. I wish I had that gift from God for my birthday to have the power to halt time, to visit inside the shiny worlds of  these cold  droplets. I wonder how it would be to be able to sit inside those raindrops and take the definition of gravity seriously and fall straight on the wet cobblestones.

My mouth creases to form a little laughter on my silliness as I watch two cars appearing towards my direction. His shoes landed on the ground as his charming eyes met mine for the first time and I immediately could feel my heart skip a beat. He's so handsome with the bottled green T-shirt hugging abs tight,as the silver pearl like raindrops adorned the silky waves of his brown hair.

He came right at me as he seemed dazed as well. "Happy Birthday Rose" he said as unfortunately his silky words escaped my ears because of my mind way too focusing on his manly posture. His sweet cologne filled my lungs with colorful strings of love and his breath smelled as fresh as a mint.

This birthday has got to be the best birthday I have ever had since now that he's the first person my eyes fell upon as I was captured in the daydreams of God's gift of rain,I realized that I have been sleeping throughout the seventeen years of my life. Now that I'm awake,living my eighteenth birthday,I now know what waking up from a nightmare feels like.

Authors Note
Hey guys,I know I  have updated this chapter after months and I'm extremely sorry for leaving this book in the midway. I have been dealing with severe anxiety attacks lately and it has made my life miserable! I'm gradually getting better day by day and I promise to not leave you guys like this again! Do keep me in your prayers and enjoy this chapter!

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