Chapter 17

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Rose's POV

My bare feet took off faster than some airplane as I descended the stairs in a blur. My pajamas still on, my hair tangled in a messy pink towel. Every frustration, every emotions, every grief made it's way out of my head. All I could think about was him and him and only him. So many days of talking and I longed to see him in front of me every single day. Wind brushed through my face as the summer air caressed my frail body, filling me in every way.

Craving to see that one sight of him is an understatement. It's like I found myself counting down the minutes, each passing second feeling like an eternity. Every part of mine yearned for his presence, to see the sparkle in his eyes, to feel the warmth of his touch, to hear the sound of his laughter filling the air.

The world seems to slow down as I anticipated the moment of reunion, each heartbeat echoing the rhythm of my devastating longing. I started to imagine the way his smile will light up his face when he sees me, the way his arms will wrap around me in a tight embrace, pulling me close as if he never want to let go.

And then there's him, standing right in front of me. All my doubts, fears melted away, replaced by an overwhelming sense of joy and relief.  In that moment, everything else faded into the background, the world narrowed down to just the two of us, united once again in a love that knows no bounds.

The street was bathed in the soft glow of streetlights, casting long shadows across the pavement. I walked briskly towards him as I couldn't fathom who stood right before me. The summer night air sending a shiver down my spine. He stood there, looking straight at me, taking in my posture bit by bit, leaning just casually against his car, having absolutely no idea the way he is destroying me.

My heart skipped a beat as I approached closer and closer, closing the devastating distance between us, the sound of my footsteps echoing in the quiet night. His silky hair caught the faint light, creating an ethereal halo around his head, a smile played at the corners of his lips, his dimples deepening in the gentle glow. Those dimples looked more beautiful in person than in the pictures. He truly is unreal.

But as our eyes met, I noticed a subtle nervousness in his demeanor. His hands fidgeted with the hem of his maroon sweatshirt betraying the calm facade he tried to maintain. It was endearing, seeing him slightly flustered, knowing that even my presence could rattle him.

His smile, though tinged with nervousness, was like a beacon in the night, radiating warmth and sincerity. It was the kind of smile that could light up the darkest of nights, filling the air with an undeniable charm that drew me in like a moth to a flame.

Putting his phone in his pockets, he stepped forward to greet me, a subtle scent enveloped me, a mixture of his cologne and the crisp night air. His voice quivered ever so slightly as he spoke, a charming vulnerability that made my heart swell. Each word carried a weight of emotion, a sincerity that touched me deeply, deep enough that his words totally escaped my ears.

I couldn't help but be captivated by the way his hair shimmered in the moonlight and the way his dimpled smile seemed to light up the darkness. He clipped his fingers in front of my eyes and stepped closer. "Rose" he uttered as my name suddenly started to feel like a sugar, falling from his plump lips. 

"Eran" I say as his forehead relieved tension be straightening his furrowed eyebrows. He smiles, his smile reaching his dark eyes. I drew in a big breath and tucked a piece of my hair sticking out from the towel behind my ears. The moment felt unreal, he is unreal, his smile is fucking unreal. He grinned again and looked sideways, putting his hands in his pockets. "Say something, love" he utters, as butterflies sprung free in my stomach.

'Say something, love' his words repeated in my head again and again. I grinned and looked at my feet. And that's when it hit me. I clenched my feet together, clutching the bathrobe close to my chest, a feeble attempt to cover myself. A silky laughter slipped from him as he looked away giving me a minute of privacy. "It's okay, relax" he says. "Would you feel comfortable in my car?" he asked as an anxious feeling clouded my mind.

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