chapter 10

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"Shhhh! No one can know." Meredith said as she turned to Derek after shutting the blinds. Derek laughed as he said, "No one can know what?" Meredith have him a smirk. "About our secret love, Chief Shepherd." She made her way to him, walking slowly. Think about how April was so stupid to flirt with HER husband. She was going to show him. "Secret love?" Derek asked, as he flipped a page in his notes. He took the note pad off his lap and smiled at her.

"By the way Chief... I picked up your dry cleaning for you." Meredith said as she stood in front of him. Derek looked at her, up and down. Mesmerized by his wife, and how into this he was. Meredith made her way to lean on the table, taking her shoes off, each with a thump. "And I..." She bit her lip as Derek watched as her feet flicked off her shoes. "Ooh..." He said, looking at her legs, and making his way up to her waist, then to her chest and finally to her eyes.

"Had your car washed." She said with a sly smile. She sat on top of the table, with her knees together. Derek reached down and took his pager off of his belt. He laughed as he knew where this was going. Meredith pushed away all of his papers, "And I dusted off your desk..." He looked at her, speechless. She leaned closer to him, "With my bottom." They both laughed. Meredith used her legs to take his hands off of his legs. Derek lifted his hands and watched as she placed her legs on the outside of his legs. "Is there anything else I can do for you, Chief Shepherd?" Derek reached to unbuckle his belt.

"Let me see if I can think of something." He said this while standing up, in between Meredith's legs. He felt her legs wrap around him as he made his way to her chest. He started to lightly peck at the valley of her breasts. Meredith chuckled and placed her hand on top of his head, feeling his curls. "Oh... Chief Shepherd." He made his way down to her scrub pants. He undid the knot and took off his belt. He slid his pants down as Meredith did the same. They both only had their top half's covered. Meredith looked at him, list evident in her eyes. "You know, this whole Chief thing is working for you." She said while while Derek hugged her closer. "Oh really?" He asked, smirking. As Meredith was about to respond, he entered her. Derek kissed her quick, suppressing a moan from her mouth. "Shhh..." Derek said, smirking as he kissed her. She smiled into his lips and she concentrated on Derek inside her. 

He thrusted in and out of her, a rhythm they only knew. Meredith reached her high and came as Derek did the same. Meredith hugged him and kissed his neck. "Chief Shepherd... " Derek smiled as she kissed his jawline and pecked his lips. "I love you." He laughed. Meredith looked at him a little confused. Derek saw this and quickly explained, "You don't think I noticed April wanting to jump at me all day?" Meredith slightly opened her mouth, amazed her husband would even look toward Aprils way. Derek took his chance to open mouth kiss her. Meredith leaned back and enjoyed it. Derek then attacked her neck, "The only woman I want saying 'Chief Shepherd' while I bend them over... is you." Meredith chuckled and moaned as she felt Derek kiss behind her ear. He then whispered in her ear, "Are you willing to volunteer?" Meredith moaned a 'Yes' and Derek smiled. As she was about to hop off the table, a knock interrupted them.

"Chief Shepherd? A trauma came in and you aren't answering your pager?" Meredith groaned, April's whiny voice was heard. Derek looked at Meredith, giving her a sympathetic look. "How bad is it?" He asked, picking up his pants and Meredith's scrubs. "Visible brain matter, she barely has a pulse." He sighed, "I'm coming, just give me a few seconds." April could be heard squeaking away. As Meredith tied the knot of her scrub pants and opened the door, she turned around to face Derek and she leaned into his ear. "You would have been coming a different." Derek looked at her shocked as Meredith pecked his lips and smiled. She walked away and left Derek with a hard on, right before going to a trauma. 

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