chapter 5

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set in 3x01

Meredith turned her head, looking at the mysterious, attractive man sitting next to her. "I don't have a story", she said. "I'm just a girl in a bar." Derek raised his glass, "I'm just a guy in a bar." He took a sip of his scotch, making eye contact with her. Never taking his eyes off of her. Meredith sits up straight, looking at Joe for help. He just gave her a look, Go for it! She rolled her eyes and looked down at her drink.

"I'm Derek. What's your name?" He asked, inching closer to her. She looked at him, squinting her eyes. "Why do you want to know so bad? We just met." She said, taking her drink. He looked at Joe, and Joe quickly walked away. "That's exactly why I want to know your name. We just met and I want to get to know you." He said, leaning closer. He put his mouth near her ear, "Really know you." Derek tried to be really seductive.

Meredith felt his lips on her ear, she giggled. She bit her lip as he sat back down on his stool next to her. "What do you want to know about me?" She asked, being seductive back. She felt a little tipsy by now, but not drunk. "I want know... what makes you moan." He said, in a low voice so only she could hear. He smirked at her, looking at her surprised face. Meredith licked her lips, and placed a hand on his thigh. She started rubbing is thigh, up and down. She leaned into him, nearing his lips. "Why don't I show you?" She said, looking at his lips, then his eyes, and back to his lips.

Derek took this as his chance, so he payed for their drinks and walked her out. As they walked up the stairs that led to the Joe's Bar doors, Derek asked, "So where do you want to show me?" Meredith looked at him. "Get in your, and follow me." She walked towards a grayish Jeep. He hurried to his car, and started it. She pulled out and he followed. They pulled up to a nice, two story house. Meredith got out and walked towards Derek's car. He got out before she could get there. "Come on." She said, quickly grabbing his hand.

Meredith pulled his red shirt, and leaned to kiss him. He was a little surprised, but kissed back. He grabbed her waist and squeezed. She laughed, and Derek took his chance to slip his tongue in her mouth. Meredith moaned once she felt his tongue. She disconnected from his lips and began to look for her keys. Derek was still holding her. Once she found them, she put the key in the hole and opened the door.

Derek shut the door as Meredith placed her things on top of boxes. She turned to him and was immediately was attacked by Derek's lips. She grabbed his face, running her hands through his curls. Derek had his hands on her waist, as she bent to get closer to me. They were open-mouth kissing, trying to taste each other. Meredith started to unbutton his top buttons. He picked her up by the thighs and she wrapped her legs around him.

As Meredith unbuttoned his shirt, Derek tried to find his way to the living room. He saw a couch, and walked towards it. Meredith was done unbuttoning all the buttons she could. Derek let her down, gently. He unbuttoned the last few on his shirt and took it off. Meredith followed suit and took her shirt off as well. Derek stared at her upper body, amazed to finally see. She laughed and swung both of her arms over his shoulders. He laughed as well and started with her jeans. Derek unbuttoned them and the rest is history.

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