chapter 13

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set in 2x16/17

As Meredith hit the floor, one of the only things she could think of was Derek. She knew something was going to happen today. and he told her the feeling would pass. It never did, and she almost just died. Did he even know she was the girl? The girl with the bomb? Holding it in her hand? She imagined him, telling her to be calm, assuring her. He was the only one who could do that. With ease, always. Meredith closed her eyes, a pain shooting into her head. Blood running down her face, her own and the men who died. Cristina opened the door from where she was hid, and saw Meredith on the floor. She ran towards her, paging Izzie right away. "Meredith? Meredith?" Cristina said, while she checked for a pulse. She sighed with relief as she felt Meredith's pulse, a little slow but it was there. Izzie quickly made her way to the floor where the bomb was, and joined Cristina as she tried to get Meredith to stand. 

A couple floors below them, Preston and Derek rode the elevator down. Preston had the patient in mid, but Derek? Derek had Meredith on his mind. Thinking about how she was the bomb girl. Holding the bomb, one wrong move and she would be dead. The woman she loves... dead. Th elevators doors opened and Derek began looking for her, frantically looking everywhere. Richard looked at Derek, seeing him looking stressed. "Where is she?" Derek asked Richard. Richard looked at him, "You had to be a cowboy." Derek looked behind him and turned to Derek, asking with a loud voice, "Where is she?" Richard heard foot steps behind him and saw Addison walking towards him. "There she is." Derek looked to see Meredith, but was greeted and hugged by Addison. He returned the hug but still had this look on his face. Adele noticed this and whispered to Richard, "That is not the 'she' he was looking for." She walked away to try and find Meredith. Richard looked towards the couple. Derek leaned back to look at Addison. 

"I'm sorry, Addison. I can't." Derek said as he walked to follow Adele. Addison looked shocked as she watched Derek walk away. Richard walked towards Addison and put a hand on her shoulder. Derek caught up to Adele, "Adele, please. Help me find her." She didn't respond, she only kept on walking. She finally stopped at a staircase. Adele turned to Derek, "Go." She said. Derek looked at her, confused. Adele motioned her head up the stairs. Derek caught on and thanked her. Derek raced up the stairs and opened the door to his nightmare. The O.R. floor looked like a disaster, specks of fire shards falling from the ceiling. Derek looked everywhere and couldn't see Meredith. His eyes started welling with tears. Until he saw a door opened, leading to a staircase. He ran down and opened another door leading to the floor. He heard a shower running and walked towards the noise.

He peeked in to see Izzie and Cristina lowering Meredith's head to the running water, cleaning the dirt and blood off of her. He couldn't bear looking at her like that, so he quickly looked away. Derek leaned onto the wall behind him, slowly sliding down as a tear fell from his eyes. The woman he loved, almost died. On the same floor as him. But she isn't dead. She's alive. She's breathing. And he was grateful. As he lowered his head in his hands, Izzie and Cristina walked out and almost tripped over Derek. "Derek! What are you doing?" Izzie asked, lowering down to his height. Derek lifted his teary eyed face. "Is she okay?" He asked, sniffling. Izzie gave him a small smile and nodded. Derek nodded as well, and got up to enter the room. Cristina went to stop him, but Izzie stopped her. She shook her head, "They need each other right now." Cristina rolled her eyes but backed off. 

Derek made his way to Meredith changing out of her scrubs and into her other clothes she had. Derek cleared his throat, making Meredith look up. Their eyes met, both shocked to see each other. Derek opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out. Meredith looked away, stood to open her locker and grab her things. Derek just stood there, unable to move. Meredith closed her locker and walked towards Derek. She stopped right into front of him, and wrapped her arms around him. Derek quickly wrapped his arms around her waist. They both relaxed into each other. They just hugged, feeling each other. Meredith's eyes started to overflow with tears. She sniffled and Derek squeezed her. This only made Meredith cry more. Her body started to slightly shake, and Derek rubbed her back to try and sooth her. It didn't help so he let go of her and placed his hands on her face. 

Meredith looked up to him. Derek didn't say anything, he just leaned in and kissed her. Meredith slid her hands around his neck, trying no to cry on Derek's lips. He was warm, while she was cold. After a few seconds, Derek pulled away. He looked Meredith in the eyes, and gave her a quick hug. "I'm glad you didn't die today, Meredith." He gave her a peck on the cheek and walked away. 

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