chapter 15

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set in 8x08 (SMUT)

Meredith's eyes hurt from the sunlight that hit her eyes. She was facing away from Derek, their intertwined hands on her stomach, resting in the same place the whole night. "Mer?" Derek said, as he felt the change in Meredith's breathing. Meredith looked over to him, his perfect face smiling at her. She smiled back, "Hi." He chuckled and said 'Hi' back, before leaning down to her lips to kiss her. Meredith smiled into his lips, removing her hand from his to run it through his hair. Derek leaned back for a moment, taking in her beauty. "What?" Meredith asked, giggling a little. Derek shook his head and kissed her again, with force this time. Meredith was taken back by this, but started kissing him back with the same force. Soon enough, Derek's hand left her hair to feel her body. His hand felt her up from her thigh to her waist, and finally up her back. Meredith kept running her hands through his hair, enjoying this moment as they finally had gotten past all the of fighting. As Meredith pecked his lips, Derek kissed his way down to her neck. 

Derek moved Meredith's hand over her body, as he moved Meredith's shirt down her shoulder. Meredith scratched at Derek's head, feeling his hair through her fingers. Derek began kissing her shoulder and the crook of her neck, "I think we should practice our statements to the judge." She said this while smiling, feeling Derek's lips on her neck and shoulder.  "I think you should stop worrying about it and relax." Derek said, while peppering kisses behind her ear. He leaned close to her ear and whispered, "I could help you with that," his hot breath making her slightly blush and feel hot. Meredith giggled, "Derek, we have 36 hours before we have to convince a judge that we're Zola's parents." Meredith was trying to so hard not to moan, feeling Derek's lips on her. Derek turned Meredith's face to his, "We are Zola's parents." He kissed her, gently. Their legs rubbing against each other, and Derek slid his hand to intertwine with Meredith's. "They don't know that. And for all they know, we-" Derek cut her off with a kiss. "Hate children. We feed cute little kittens to a dog we keep in the backyard." While Meredith said this, Derek kept kissing her, wanting Meredith to stop talking about the judge while he was trying to get in the zone. He woke up with one thing on his mind, and that was sex. Hot, hot, hot sex with his wife after they had been arguing for weeks. he missed more than anything and she was ruining his vibe. 

"Meredith!" Derek said, internally rolling his eyes. Derek looked at her, seeing her face a little flustered. She wanted it too, but couldn't stop thinking about their daughter. Meredith gave him a weak smile, "I'm just saying, they don't know us." Derek looked at Meredith, lust and love the only thing evident in his eyes. "All we have to do is just stand up there, and speak from the heart." Derek caressed her face, "That's all the convincing they'll need." Meredith slid up hand up to his shoulder, his skin warm. Derek leaned in to give her a chaste kiss, "Okay?" He asked, feeling her face. Derek intertwined his hand with hers, "Okay." They both smiled, and leaned into each other. Derek kissed her, soft at first but he rolled them over so that Meredith was on top. She straddled him and went straight to his neck. She moaned into his neck, making Derek want her even more. "Mer..." He said, breathy. She giggled softly, knowing what she was doing to him. "Derek?" She asked, moving up to his jawline and finding her way to his lips. She started kissing him, hard. Harder than before. Derek couldn't take it anymore. He rolled them over once again, making him on top now. He slid the one sleeve off of her arm and immediately began sucking her breast. This made Meredith's back arch and loudly moan. "Shhh... The kids are here." Derek said, all the while still sucking. 'The kids' were the residents, and she had forgotten all about them due to the fact that Derek's lips were making her body shiver. 

"Derek, let's skip the 'nice play' and get right into it, now?" Meredith said, wanting Derek inside her right away. He smiled against her chest, chuckling to himself. This woman was everything to him, and he was so lucky to have her back. Derek stopped sucking and began sliding his pants down. Meredith did the same, and by the time Derek was done, Meredith was ready for him. Derek smirked and made his way down to her center. He looked up at her, and saw her close her eyes. She was more than ready, and they both couldn't wait. Derek started to put her legs over his shoulders, opening her more for him. Derek started playing with her folds, his tongue flicking them. Meredith moaned, trying to be quiet but Derek making it quite impossible for her. He smiled to himself and kept going. He kept doing his thing until it looked like Meredith was about to explode. Derek saw that the best way to let her finish, was to be inside of her. He slid her legs off of him, and Meredith looked at him very confused, "Derek? What the hell are you doing-" Before she could finish yelling at him, he thrusted into her hard and fast. She moaned loudly and Derek was quick to cover her mouth.

Derek leaned down to her ear, while still inside of her. "We have to be quiet, dear." Meredith groaned, hearing him call her that while being inside her, making her more horny. She nodded, and suppressed the moan wanting to come out her mouth. Derek kissed her neck as he went in and out of her channel. Meredith grabbed his face and thrusted her tongue into his mouth. This was the only way to stop her from moaning his name so that everyone sleeping could hear. They both moaned into each other's mouth, and they both came quickly after. As Derek's tongue was in her mouth, Meredith had her high and opened her mouth to moan. "God, yes." Derek murmured as he slid out of her and open mouthed kissed her, hard. Meredith complied and open mouth kissed him back. They kept this up for a couple of minutes until someone pounded on their door. "I was trying to sleep! Time for work, you horny teenagers." Lexie. Of course, always ruining their horny moments. They loved Lexie, just not when they were in the mood. Meredith groaned and yelled back, "You're just mad, Lexie! We'll be out in a second." They heard Lexie's footsteps fade away and Derek looked down at her. "Guess we have to get up now. Come on." He said this while kneeling up and making his way to their dresser to find a new pair of boxers. 

Meredith stared at him as he walked, her eyes going straight to his ass. God, her husband was hot. She was so lucky. Derek felt her eyes on him and he quickly pulled up his boxers. "Stop staring and get dressed, Mer." She laughed and got out of bed. Meredith walked over to him, fully naked and gave him a quick peck. "We'll continue this here or in an on-call room?" She grabbed a pair of underwear and a bra. Derek watched her every move and put his front to her back as she bent over to slide up her underwear. As she stood up, she felt Derek's boner poke her. Derek leaned close to her ear and whispered, "We'll get to finish soon, Mer." Derek chuckled and went to the bathroom. They both thought about how they would finish. 

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