chapter 6

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set in 5x22

After the wedding, Izzie and Alex left to go to the hospital. Meredith and Derek made their way to the house. As they entered, they saw the living room decorated with banners saying, Just Married! Meredith looked at Derek, convinced he did this. "Don't look at me, I didn't do this."He said, taking his coat off and hanging it up. Meredith looked at him, not believing him but grateful either way. He looked at her, with nothing but love in his eyes. He pulled her into him by her waist. "We wouldn't want this to go to waste now, would we?" He said in a deep voice. Meredith smiled at him, and laughed. "I guess we wouldn't." She squealed as he attacked her neck with kisses. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders. Derek kissed from Meredith's neck to her jawline and to her mouth. She giggled, allowing Derek to thrust his tongue into her mouth. This, was something Derek did all the time to her, and she loved it. It was her favorite thing he did with his mouth, among other things, of course.

Meredith moaned at the feeling of his tongue in her mouth. Derek smiled, glad that he made her moan. He knew she loved it. Meredith slid her hand under his shirt, feeling the warmth of his skin. She started to undo buttons, starting from the bottom to the top. Derek smiled at her quickness. Meredith noticed, stopped and said, "What?" Derek chuckled at her. He moved some hair out of her face and cupped her cheek. "Nothing. It's just...You're going a little slow." She tilted her head at him. She thought, Oh? I'm going too slow? I'll show you slow. "You think this is slow?" Meredith grabbed Derek's penis inside his pants. Derek flinched, not expecting that at all. "How's that for slow?" Meredith said, smirking. Derek scoffed, "Not good enough, let me show you." He said. Derek pulled down a strap of her dress, revealing her left breast. He quickly started sucking on it, making Meredith aroused. She moaned and pushed his head closer to her.

She took his mouth away from her breast, and to her mouth. Their tongues battled for dominance as they moved to the living room. As they neared the couch, Derek took his shirt off and saw noticed that Mer was struggling with the dress zipper. "Here, let me help you, dear." She adored the way he called her 'dear'. It wasn't often that he called her that, but when he did, she felt butterflies in her stomach, after all of these years, he could still make her nervous. As Derek slid the dress off of her, he moved her hair from the back of her neck and peppered small kisses on her neck. As he slid the dress farther down, the lower his kisses went. He stopped at her ass, not wanting to tease her any longer.

"Why'd you stop?" Meredith asked, a little sadness came over her. Derek smiled, seeing her just in her panties. She looked at him and then at her naked self, and laughed. "I didn't want to tease you any longer. We have all night to have some fun." He said with an evident smirk. Meredith gave him a smirk back, and moved to him to remove his belt and undo the button on his pants. He pulled them down for her, along with his boxers. Meredith saw this and removed her panties. Now they were both naked, standing. "I know we didn't get married. And I know that we shouldn't have marriage sex, because we haven't-" Derek rambled on and on, until Meredith interrupted him. "Derek, stop. I know we haven't gotten married. That's okay. We can still have Just Got Married sex." She said, as she moved closer to him and started to rub his arm.

"I love you, Meredith. And when we do get married, we will have mind-blowing sex." Derek said, running his finger through her hair. Meredith smiled, shaking her head at him. "And I love you, Derek. I cant wait to be married to you." She said, smiling her biggest smile, and love in her eyes. Derek smiled, and leaned into her. Their lips met, gently. They lingered like that, for a few seconds. Absorbing all the love they were projecting. Meredith could feel Derek's tongue, once again, asking for entrance. She internally smiled and disconnected their lips. Derek frowned, a little confused why she stopped kissing him. Meredith kneeled down, onto the bed made right in front of the fire place. Derek caught on and climbed on top of her. Meredith giggled as Derek touched her nose with his. "Shall we?" He asked. Derek entered her, slow and steady. He held her hips steady. Meredith moaned at the sudden thrust. She moaned in pleasure, "We... shall." She replied, panting between each word.

Derek smiled, and kept on going further into her. Meredith grunted, "Derek..." She panted. Derek panted as well, thrusting into her slow. Meredith moved her hands to his shoulders, gripping them. Derek nipped at her neck, suppressing his moans and wanting to feel her on his lips. Meredith couldn't take it any longer. "Derek please- " She didn't get to finish her sentence as she felt Derek fill her up with what he had. She shivered in pleasure and came as well. Derek rolled off of her. They both sighed, "Best non-wedding day ever." Meredith said. Derek looked at her, smiling. "You want to go again?" He said, smiling and looking at her up and down. Meredith laughed and Derek joined her.

Meredith turned to look at him, and moved the covers to lay on top of him. Derek moved his hands above his head to give her space. Once she was half on top of him, he immediately ran his fingers through her hair. He loved her hair, ever since they first met. It's one of the many things he loved about her. Meredith placed her chest fright in top of his. They stared into each other's eyes for a few seconds, until Meredith leaned in. They pecked each other's lips a few times, enjoying their loving moment. Meredith moved from his lips to his neck. He placed a hand on the top of her hair and slightly scratched. "Mmm." Meredith moaned, it brought her peace when he played with her hair. She got to his chest and stopped. She looked up at him and smirked. She disappeared under the covers.


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