chapter 7

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not set in an episode

Meredith could hear birds chirping in the distance. Sunlight peeked through the curtains, a sign that Meredith and Derek should probably wake up. Today was a special day, it was Derek's birthday. Meredith wasn't sure if Derek knew that she knew, but either way, she was going to make this birthday, one of the best. Meredith rolled over to face Derek, he was still sleeping. His mouth was slightly opened. She smiled and shook her head. He always made fun of her snoring and when he was too tired, he always slept with his mouth opened. She gently caressed his face, a slight stubble. Derek made a noise and leaned into her hand more. "What time is it?" He asked, his morning voice prominent. Meredith found it so attractive, making her want to pounce on him right then and there.

"Good morning to you too, Derek." Meredith said, laughing a little. Derek chuckled and was attacked by Meredith's lips. He felt her tongue in his mouth, and moaned. Meredith smiled, knowing that Derek was enjoying it. She backed away and straddled him. A very confused look came across his face. "What are you doing?" He asked. Meredith smirked, "I'm having morning sex with my husband. I want to treat him on his birthday." Derek hummed, remembering that it was, in fact, his birthday. Meredith attacked his neck with sloppy kisses, and Derek placed his hand through her hair. "What about the kids, Mer?" He asked, concerned that they would hear their parents make love so early in the morning. She continued to kiss his neck, making her way back to his lips. Between kisses she said, "Amelia took them, I asked her if she could so we could be alone." Derek laughed, amazed at his wife's mind.

Meredith stopped kissing him and looked at him. "Now, let me treat you on your special day. Happy BIrthday, Der." She said as she pulled his pajama pants off of his lower half, along with his boxers. Meredith had already taken her panties off, when Derek's morning erection sprung up. "Eager now, aren't we?" She asked, a smirk evident on her lips. Derek smiled, and he quickly grabbed her hips to place her on top of his erection. Meredith gasped, not expecting him to do that. "No, Derek... Stop. I'm supposed to be... pleasuring you..." She said, pausing between each word. Derek looked up at her, "You are... pleasuring me. Everything you... do... does..." He said as he thrusted into her center.

Meredith bopped up and down on Derek, finding a strong rhythm. "God... Mer." Derek moaned, seeing Meredith throwing her head back in pleasure. She looked at Derek, seeing that he was close. She leaned to his ear and whispered, "Let's come together-" Before she could finish her sentence, Derek came inside her, which then made her come as well. They both moaned in pleasure and stayed in that position for a little while, enjoying the closeness. Meredith then rolled off of Derek, and looked over at him. "Happy birthday, Der." She smiled and kissed him lovingly. He smiled as well, and when she leaned back he said, "Thank you." They got up out of bed and prepared themselves for work.

Both of them had busy schedules that day, so when Owen called for a meeting, they were relieved. Derek got there first and waited for everyone to arrive. The last person to arrive was Meredith, and he couldn't take his eyes off of her when she walked in. She was undoing her hair from her low bun, and she shook her head to let her blonde locks fall. She was beautiful, he thought. Meredith ran her hands through her hair and made eye contact with Derek. She smiled a small smile and blushed. She tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear and stood near Cristina. As Owen was talking, Derek was looking, no not looking, staring at Meredith. He couldn't keep his eyes off of her. Cristina nudged Meredith, and when Meredith looked at her, she gestured to Derek. Meredith, confused, turned to look at Derek, who looked like he was going to just explode in any minute.

Meredith smiled and but her lower lip, looking down at her feet. When she looked up, Derek also bit his lip. "Thank you. You are all free to go now." Owen said, and everyone started to walk out. Derek waited for Meredith at the door. As she was walking out, Derek quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her into the nearest on-call room. Cristina saw this and shook her head. "Teenagers at the prom, I swear." She said. As Derek pulled Meredith into the room, she said, "Derek what are you-" He interrupted her by his lips. He pinned her to the door, letting his hands roam all over her body. She moaned at the feeling of his hands on her butt. Derek smiled, knowing he was doing his job right.

Meredith, all of the sudden, pushed Derek back. "What are you doing?" She asked, panting. Derek snaked his hands up under her shirt. "I'm going to have sex with my wife. I couldn't stop looking at you during the meeting. You looked amazing-" She cut him off. "Really? I didn't notice that you wanted to thrust into me right then and there. You were eye fucking me... hard. Even Cristina noticed." She said, tilting her head at him. Derek unclipped Meredith's bra as she was talking and slid it off of her. Meredith was surprised, he had never done that so fast. "Derek?" She asked. He had a hungry look in his eyes and hoped she would catch on. She squinted at him, knowing what he wanted. She slid her pants off and Derek did the same. When he saw that she had slid her panties off, he immediately picked her up and entered her.

Meredith moaned at the sudden contact, once again. They were repeating what they did this morning. Derek thrusted in and out of her, hard and fast. "Derek..." She said, panting and moaning at Derek's doing. He smiled at her and kissed her neck. He picked her off of the door and onto the bed. Meredith laid on her back while Derek kept going in and out. Hard and fast. She couldn't keep up and soon enough, an orgasm shot through her entire body. She felt it from her center, to her head and to the tops of her toes. Derek also had his sexual high, and came inside Meredith right as she had finished herself.

He rolled off of her, "Best birthday ever." He said, looking over at Meredith. She laughed and kissed him.

Authors note: AHHH 1000+ WORDS. what episode should be next?

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