chapter 4

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set in 2x20

"Truthfully? At this moment in time, I don't have any problems. Not a single one." He said, smiling at Meredith while she handed him his water bottle back. She looked up at him and she smiled. "So, do you have any surgeries planned for today?" Meredith asked, looking at Doc playing with a stick. "I have two craniotomies and one aneurysm to clip. What about you? Who's service are you on?" Derek said, looking at Meredith.

"I don't think I'm on anyone's service. Either way, no one would want me on their service after the horrible thing that I did. That I still won't tell you about, even though we are friends." She said, keeping her, sleeping with George, a secret. "I still don't understand why you won't tell me. It's not like I'm gonna tell anyone else. Friends keep secrets you know? And since we're friends, you can tell me anything." Derek said, gesturing between them.

Meredith sighed, "I'm still not telling you, Derek. No matter how much you plead or beg, I'm not telling you." She scrunched up her nose like she always does, and giggled. It was like music to Derek's ears, her laugh was everything. Doc started barking at something, and ran towards it at a speed that Derek and Meredith could not keep up with. "What the hell-" Derek said, running.

Meredith ran after Derek, she stopped for a second to catch her breath and when she looked up, Derek was out of sight. "Derek?" She said, while looking around her. "Derek!?" She said a little louder, walking towards to an opening in the trees. "Derek this isn't funny! Where are you?" She yelled, becoming annoyed but also worried at where he went. She couldn't find Doc either.

"GOTCHA!" Derek jumped out from behind a tree. Meredith flinched and yelled. She was going to punch his shoulder when she tripped over a tree branch on the ground. Before falling face first into sharp branches, she felt arms stop her. Derek quickly reacted and gripped Meredith by her sides. Her shirt hiked up enough for Derek to have skin to skin contact. She was warm, and he was as well.

Meredith got herself up. "Thank you." She said, while smiling. He smiled back, "You're welcome-" he was shoved by Meredith before he could finish. She kept shoving him while saying, "Don't ever scare me like that again!" Derek just began to laugh and tried to catch Meredith's hands. He succeeded and was grabbing Meredith's wrists. "I'm sorry, I won't do it again." He said, looking at her with only love in his eyes.

Meredith rolled her eyes, but had a small smile. They stopped laughing. Derek looked at her lips, then at her eyes and back to her lips. Meredith cleared her throat, "We better get back, we can't be late. We have lives to save." She took her wrists from his hands and started walking towards Doc, who was sitting, patiently waiting to go home.

Authors Note: please comment what episode you want to see!! I don't know what else to write lol😫

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