chapter 3

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set in 2x01

Meredith looked at him, deciding whether or not to stay or to go. She got up from the deck she was sitting. She took a couple steps before turning around and saying, "What was I to you? The girl you screwed to get over being screwed?" She asked. Derek looked at her, a little smile coming over his lips.

He tilted his head a little to the left, "You were like coming up for fresh air. It's like I was drowning and you saved me. That's all I know." He shrugged a little and gestured with his hands. Meredith looked away, down to the ground, and then up at him.

He smiled at her, hoping she wouldn't leave. Meredith walk towards him, right in front of him. She stopped when she got near his legs. He looked at her, lust evident in his eyes. Meredith tilted her head just the way he did. Derek could see her trying to make a choice. She sighed, closing her eyes. "Meredith?" Derek asked, wondering what was going on in her head.

Meredith took two steps, her knees touching his. He set aside his beer that was in his hand and looked up at her. Meredith took another step so that their faces were close. Derek put his leg, where he was resting his arm, down and rested his hands on Meredith's waist. She leaned down, their lips almost touching until, "I... I- I can't." She said, frowning. He sighed, leaning his forehead down.

Meredith also sighed, as she put her hands on his that were still on her waist. She let them rest there for a few seconds, but eventually she took his hands off of her and walked towards her car, stuffing her hands in her pockets and lowering her head.

"Meredith, wait!" Derek said, sitting up from his position and towards Meredith. She stopped, closing her eyes and tightening her jaw. Derek walked to her, standing right behind her. "Please." He pleaded, hoping she would stay. Meredith thought about it. She took a deep breathe, turned around, grabbed his face and kissed him. He immediately kissed back and grabbed her waist. Before Derek could deepen the kiss, Meredith pulled away and quickly got in her car. Derek was out of breathe, thankful for her kissing him, but disappointed that she didn't want to keep going. She looked at him, and pulled out.

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