chapter 8

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set in 9x07

"We're going have another baby." Derek said, while smiling ear to ear. Meredith nodded, mirroring his smile. Derek snaked his hand behind her head to give her a loving kiss. Meredith put her hands on his shoulders. She leaned back and said, "We are going to have another baby." She giggled as Derek kissed her again and pulled her into a tight embrace. He sighed, holding her waist tightly. She laughed again, as he disconnected from their embrace to kiss her again. He hugged her waist with one arm and hugged her top half with the other. They swayed back and forth, enjoying the jovial moment. As Derek held Zola's short in his hand, he let go of Meredith to look at her from head to toe.

He gently put his hands on both sides of her stomach. He sighed, smiling as big as he could. Meredith looked at him, also sighing. She put her ah da over his. He chuckled, "When did this happen?" he asked, thinking about when they had sex in the last three weeks. She smiled, "Remember when we were talking about you 'finding a fix' for your hand? And we... you know." She said, scrunching up her nose and titling her head. Derek tilted his head upwards, thinking. He raised his eyebrows, "Oh, so that's when." He said, a hint of seductiveness in his voice. He smirked, rubbing her sides. Meredith squinted at him, trying to figure out what he was thinking. "What are you doing?" She asked, wrapping her arms around him.

He smiled, leaning forward to be touching foreheads. He breathed her in, "Enjoying the moment. And just overwhelmed. We didn't even try, and we got pregnant." He said, making eye contact with her. She sighed, smiling. "It's ironic. But I wouldn't have it any other way." She grabbed his face gently, and leaned to kiss him, long and lovingly. Derek pulled her in close, making her arch her back to feel closer. They stopped their lip lock and made their way to bed. They brushed their teeth, changed into comfy clothes and laid beneath the sheets. Derek rolled over to turn off the lights and spooned Meredith. She intertwined their hands and kissed his. "Goodnight Mer." He said, kissing her neck. "Goodnight." And they quickly fell asleep, feeling like they were beyond joy.

•   •   •

The next morning, Zola woke them up by peeing the bed. As Derek changed her sheets, Meredith changed Zola into dry clothes and made her way towards the kitchen. She looked at her watch, 6:57 AM. Meredith placed Zola in her baby chair. As Meredith made coffee, Derek walked into the kitchen grabbing the two mugs. Meredith smiled at him, thanking him with her eyes. Meredith got out some cereal for Zola to eat. As she placed Zola's bowl on her little table, Derek gripped Meredith's waist, leaning in close to her ear so that Zola wouldn't hear. "Should we tell her?" He asked looking at her in the eyes. She looked at him and nodded. Derek also nodded and left to go grab the shirt Meredith had shown him yesterday.

"Zola, honey. Daddy and I have some news for you." Meredith said, fixing some baby hairs on Zola's head. Derek walked in, holding the shirt behind his back. He looked at Meredith and she looked at him. She nodded and Derek held up the shirt while Meredith said, excitedly, "You going to be a big sister, Zo!" Zola looked a little confused, scrunching her eyebrows together. Meredith noticed and tried to explain better. "I'm going to have another baby, honey! And you're going to be a big sister." She said, smiling. Zola seemed to understand better now, and clapped her hands together. Derek and Meredith chuckled as they both went to kiss their daughters head.

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