chapter 17

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set in 4x17

"Stay here. Don't move. Wait for me." Derek said, before he turned and walked away to his car. Meredith smiled as she saw him pull out and drive away. She stood where she was for about 20 minutes, until her feet started to hurt. She sighed and walked towards the trailer and sat outside for another 20 minutes. She picked at her fingers, growing impatient and wanting Derek to come home. Meredith wondered where Derek was, either telling Rose that it was over or on his way back. She sighed as she lay across the bed in the back of the trailer. She closed her eyes for a few seconds and then opened them back up to seeing headlights turning off. She sat up quickly and called out, "In here, Derek!" She pushed her hair back as he walked in.

Derek looked at her, in awe of her beauty and sighed of relief that he was finally free to be with her. The love of his life. The woman he had fallen madly in love with. The woman he had always wanted. "What?" Meredith asked as she realized Derek was staring at her, deep in thought. Derek walked slowly towards her, taking her hips into his hands. He sighed and rested his forehead in her tiny one. "Nothing." He said, with a smirk on his face. Meredith squinted her eyes at him and yelled as he picked her up by her thighs. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he set her down on his small counter. Meredith was about to ask what he was doing when he grabbed her face and started kissing her, hard. She moaned at the roughness of his kiss and tangled her fingers into his scalp. Derek moaned as she slightly pulled at his hair.

In between kisses Meredith managed to say, "Bed...". Derek nodded and took her off the counter. He laid her down on the bed, and hovered above her. He attacked her neck with sloppy kisses and made his way down to her breasts. Meredith giggled, then followed by a throaty moan as Derek lifted her shirt and bra and started lightly kissing her nipples. Meredith pushed his head into her breast and he chuckled. Derek leaned back and took off his shirt, making Meredith throb in all of the right places. She bit her lip as he took his belt off. He stood to take his pants off but he stopped as he watched Meredith remove her clothing.

God, she was breathtaking. He couldn't keep his eyes off of her. Meredith was fully naked when she looked to Derek staring at her. Derek shook his head and quickly threw his pants off as he heard Meredith laugh. He adored her laugh. Meredith walked over to one of his counters and took a box of condoms out. She ripped it open as Derek got into position. Meredith crawled over to him, her breasts dangling from her chest. He couldn't help but stare. She smirked as he rolled the condom on Derek's length and watched as his eyes rolled into the back of his head. Derek wasted no time.

He gripped her waist and sat her down on his lap. Their centers touched and they both moaned. Derek took a second to look at her and leaned in to give her a loving kiss. It was slow, filled with happiness, excitement and love. Meredith smiled into the kiss. She was about to say something when she was cut off by Derek entering her. She moaned, feeling his length inside her. He smirked at her reaction and started to play with her breasts. Meredith threw her head back in pleasure. She moaned loud at Derek kissing down her breast valley. She started to bounce up and down on him. Meredith moved to kiss his neck while she continued to bounce. Derek moaned, holding her hips steady. She could feel him get hard inside her and it only made her more wet. Derek started to make her go faster, helping her bounce. "Derek..." She moaned, feeling her walls becoming tighter.

Derek didn't say anything, all he did was make her go quicker and moan at the sound of Meredith's heavy breaths. He was nearing his climax when he decided to add a finger to her center. Meredith smiled but immediately moaned at the feeling of his finger rubbing against her center. She couldn't hold it any longer and reached her climax, coming on his center and his finger. She was sweaty and breathing hard against his neck. He came as well, and breathed as heavy as she did. "I'm glad you stayed." He said, worried about her leaving earlier. She smiled and leaned back to look at him. "Me too." Meredith said, looking at his lips and crashed into his lips. Derek smiled and ran his fingers through her hair. The night, luckily, didn't end there.


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