chapter 16

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set in 6x14 (smut) 

As Derek drove towards the hospital , Meredith yelled at him for so many thins. Mrs. Shepherd, Valentine Day and brunches. All the while she yelled, he kept looking at her through the front mirror. "You're going to have to make this up to me with a lot of sex." She said with a smirk. She rolled her eyes at him, playful of course. Derek chuckled internally and blinked as he said, "Yes, dear." He looked at her again through the front mirror and stared at her quickly. Oh, how he loved his wife. She was one of the greatest things to happen to him. As they neared the hospital and Meredith was racing to get out, Derek stopped her. She looked at him, confused. "What, Der?" She asked him, trying to get out of his grip. "What time do you think you'll be done?" He asked, a small smirk on his lips. Meredith rolled her eyes. "I'm not sure. But I have to go, Derek." She kissed him quickly and ran into the hospital. Derek sighed and drove to his parking spot. 

Derek spent his day filling out papers, taking to administrators, calling other hospitals and things that he didn't think the Chief of Surgery would do. He sighed as his eyes starting hurting. Derek leaned back into his chair, wishing the day would be over already, and he could have sex with his wife on Valentines Day. He paged Meredith and cleaned his office up. He pulled down the blinds and got the couch ready. There was a knock on the door and Meredith walked in. "You paged?" She asked, walking in on Derek smirking at her. She squinted at him, trying to figure out what he was thinking. "Derek?" She asked, right before he lunged at her and kissed her, hard. Meredith was caught by surprise and squealed when her back hit to wall behind her with such force. Derek murmured a quick 'Sorry' and kept kissing her. He moved down to her neck and his hands roamed all of her body. Meredith couldn't help but enjoy this side of Derek. Taking charge and going for it without asking. She stopped him for a quick second to ask, "Derek, what are you doing?" Derek didn't answer, instead he picked her up and lowered her onto the couch in his office. Meredith then realized what he wanted and said, "Derek, we can't do it in your office. Someone will see or hear us."

Derek acted like he didn't even hear her and continued to kiss her. He went up to her lips and then down to her chest. Meredith didn't argue at all. In fact, she pushed him closer to her. "Derek... stop." She managed to get out before moaning out loud. Derek smiled and covered her mouth with his hand. He stopped kissing her and stared into her eyes. "I thought you didn't want people to hear us?" He smiled and started on the knot on her scrub pants. Meredith scoffed but laid there as he pulled off her scrub pants. She helped him out of his pants and they were both pant less. "I believe you asked for sex?" He asked, as he sat down on the couch next to her. Meredith looked him up and down and moved on top him to straddle him. "I did, Dr. Shepherd." She smiled and giggled. "Alright then. Shall we, dear?" Derek said as he held onto her hips. Meredith nodded and guided herself onto his center. 

They started out with a slow rhythm, Derek going in and out slowly. Meredith had to kiss his neck to stop herself from moaning loudly. They kept their rhythm until they both finished. Meredith plumped onto Dereks leg after reaching her high. She was panting while Derek looked up at her. He started chuckling, which caught Meredith's attention. "What?" She asked him, while playing with his hair. Derek shook his head, "We just had sex in my office and no one interrupted us." Meredith bit the inside of her cheek. She started laughing as well and leaned in to give him a big, sloppy kiss. As she thrusted her tongue into his mouth, there was a knock at the door, and it opened. "Derek, I had a question about-" Richard walked in, and immediately widened his eyes. Meredith gasped as she tried to cover herself with Derek, which was also trying to cover them. "Oh! Sorry, I'll umm... come back later." He closed the door and walked away, fast. Meredith looked at Derek and swatted his arm. "Ow! What was that for?" he said laughing, as Meredith got off of him and starting putting on her panties and scrub pants. "You didn't lock the door!" She handed him his pants and helped him buckle his belt. 

"I was a little preoccupied, Mer. And I also didn't think Richard was going to walk in." Derek said, while fixing his shirt and hair. Meredith groaned, "This is the second time he has caught us naked!" She thought about the time when they were having break-up sex in Derek's trailer and Richard walked in on them. Derek laughed and walked to sit on his chair at his desk. Meredith looked at him, mad at him but also couldn't help the laugh that escaped her lips. "This is the last time we have sex in your office. I'll see you at home." She leaned over his desk and gave him a quick peck. Derek smiled and waved as she left the room. As Meredith walked away, she bumped into Richard, making his way to Derek's office. "Dr. Webber, I- umm. I'm sorry you had to... see that. It- umm... It won't happen again." She gave him an awkward smile and walked away. Richard scoffed and made his way into Derek's office. 

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