Episode Four

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You and your team were the last ones waiting for your new teacher. All the other teams had already left with their new teachers, your team's teacher was running late. 

"He's late," Naruto says as he looks out the door. Sasuke was sitting at one of the desks and Sakura was leaning against another. You were sitting on the teacher's desk swinging your legs as you waited. You start to wonder if Kakashi was going to be your new sensei, or maybe what your mother was wrong about Kakashi being a sensei for the Genin?

"Naruto just come and sit down," Sakura says as she looks at Naruto. She looks over at you. "Are you sure you can even sit on the teacher's desk?"

"Iruka-Sensei let me sit on the desk a few times when I would stay for tutoring," you say. 

"Of course he did," Sakura says. 

"How come our teacher is the only one that's late," Naruto says, "The other groups have already met their teachers and probably on their way to great adventures! Iruka-Sensei is already gone too!" 

You sigh. 

"We know Naruto," you and Sakura say and you both look at each other. You both then quickly look away from each other. Naruto then grabs a stool and an eraser and stands up on the stool. 

"Naruto what are you doing," Sakura says. Naruto puts the eraser in between the door and the wall and he starts to laugh. 

Sakura walks up to him and puts her hands on her hips. "Naruto!" 

"What," he says, "this is what he gets for coming late!" He jumps down. 

"What a way to make a first impression Naruto," you say sarcastically. 

"Hey you know it's going to be funny when our teacher opens the door and 'surprise!'"

"I think you're just asking for trouble," Sakura says, "you know this is a bad idea." 

You look at her and you could tell by the look of her eyes that she was all in on this prank too. You were feeling the same way, you were kind tired of waiting and ready to go home. Though, you were still wondering what came over you earlier today when you ran into Sakura. 

Either way, it seems like Sakura doesn't want to be even near you anymore. She hasn't even said anything to you since that encounter earlier. 

"You guys do know that our teacher is a Jonin," Sasuke says, "an elite ninja. You really think that he would fall for a trick like that?" 

"Yeah he's right," Sakura says. 

"You never know though," you say and Sasuke looks at you. The door starts to open and the four of you look over as your teacher steps in. 

The eraser falls down on his head and your eyes widen. Your teacher was Kakashi after all.

Naruto starts to laugh and you put your hand over your mouth, trying to hold back your laugh as you look at Kakashi's face. 

"I got him," Naruto says as he keeps laughing. 

"I'm so sorry sensei," Sakura says, "I tried to stop him but he wouldn't listen." 

Kakashi picks up the eraser and looks at it. He looks at you. 

"Y/N," he says, "you should go stand with the rest of your team." 

"Yes sir," you say and you jump off the top of the teacher's desk and walk over to the others. 

"How does he know your name," Naruto whispers to you. 

"He's a friend of my mom's," you say. 

"Really? This guy?" 

You nod your head. 

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