Episode Fifteen

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Sakura was feeling anxious and helpless. She knew she had to stay by Tazuna's side from now on and keep him safe, but she was afraid that something was going to go wrong. Sakura wanted to help and get you out of there so Naruto and Sasuke wouldn't have to worry about keeping you safe, all while fighting off Haku at the same time.

But, she notices your slow movements with your hands.

Y/n is making hand signs; she had a plan.

"Sasuke! Naruto! Y/n," she shouts at the three of you, "take this guy out! You can do it!"

"Don't Sakura," Kakashi snaps at her. She looks at him, confused about why he snapped at her for cheering you and the others on. "Don't push them. Even if they manage to find a way to overcome the mirror jutsu, they still won't be able to defeat this ninja. Not while Y/n is in the condition that she is in now."

"But how can you be so sure!?"

"Sakura, listen to your sensei," Hitori snaps at her as Zabuza lets out a snicker. "They may have the desire to win, but they don't have the desire to kill as their opponent does."

"That boy is a whole different breed," Kakashi continues, "he lives for pain, thrives on it."

"That's right," Zabuza says as he stands up straight, letting him a few centimeters of space between the bottom of his chin and your mother's blade. "Your village has become complacent. Your trainees never learn the most important lesson of all, to kill the feeling in their heart and face your opponent mercilessly. To destroy with no regret."

Hitori glares at the man she no longer calls human. But he wasn't wrong, for she had to kill to survive before becoming the shinobi she was today. If it weren't for the man that she called her family, she would have been in the spot that Zabuza was in today.

But she didn't want you to live the life that she had gone through. To fight without the need to kill. To win without the desire to thrive on pain of others to reach the top.

"S-Sensei," Sakura pleads out to Kakashi, "what should we do!? Please tell us!"

Kakashi tries to think of every outcome that he could do to help you and the boys. But, unfortunately, each idea he could think of failed, leaving him with the only option he knew would have a higher chance of succeeding.

"Hitori, lower your blade," Kakashi says softly to your mother. Hitori turns her head towards him with a confused look on her face. Kakashi had his hand on his headband that covered his one eye, preparing to use his Sharingan.

"Are you sure that's a good idea," she responds to him, "you just recovered from overusing your Sharingan. I can take care of him for you."

"Don't argue with me and step back. I'll handle him. You focus on the kids and making sure they're safe."

Zabuza snickers again. "The Sharingan, huh? You're no fun; you are just using the same old trick. But I'll have to finish you off first before having my fun with the demon witch."

He breaks into a run after ducking under Hitori's blade before Kakashi could react, grabbing something from his side. He pulls out a knife, aiming for Kakashi's covered eye.


Almost in unison, Kakashi takes the blow of the knife in his free hand while Hitori stabs her blade right through Zabuza's side. Barely hitting any vital organs and nerves. Blood drips down from both Kakashi's hand and Zabuza's side.

"If it was just an old trick," Kakashi says, "then why were you trying to stop me?"

"You should be careful not to let your opponent see your jutsu too many times," Zabuza says, "or else they can find a way to use it against you."

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