Episode Six

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It was a hot day, and you were on a small mission with your squad in the forest. You were trying g to focus on what was ahead, but it was hard to concentrate in this heat. 

"This is Sasuke,"  the radio in your hand says, "I'm at point B." 

"Sakura here, I'm at point C."

"Naruto, I'm at point A." 

You hold the radio up to your face and push the button to communicate. 

"Y/n, I'm at point D." 

"Okay, squad seven," Kakashi says through the radio, "keep your eye sharp." 

"I would if it wasn't so hot out here." 

"You'll be fine y/n. Wait, the target is on the move!"

You see a flash of a black silhouette pass your field of vision and into the bushes. You and the others poke your heads out from the points where you are stationed. 

"It's over there," Naruto says. The three of them get closer to the bush, still hiding behind the nearby trees. You went around to a tree on the other side of the shrub, ready to catch the target in case it tried to make a run for it. 

"What's your distance from the target," Kakashi says from the radio. 

"Five meters," Naruto says. "I'm ready; give the signal." 

"I'm ready too," Sasuke says. 

"So am I," Sakura says. 


"Ready as I'll ever be," you say. 


The four of you jump out and surround the target. Naruto manages to grab it, and the target lets out a loud "meow" like it was screaming. 

"I got it!" Naruto yells as the cat scratches at his face. "Y/n help me!" 

"Okay, okay, hold on." You walk over and pick up the cat, and it scratches at your arms.

"The target is confirmed," Sasuke says into the radio. 

"Lost pet, Tora captured," Kakashi says, "mission accomplished."

"Can't we get a better mission than this!" The radio screeches as Naruto yells into it. "I hate cats!"

"Naruto, don't yell," Sakura yells and hits Naruto on the back of the head.

You laugh a little and wince as the cat's claws dig into your skin on your arm. 

"Are you alright y/n?" Sasuke walks up to you. "You can always give the cat back to Naruto." 

"No! Keep that thing away from me," Naruto says. 

"It's alright, Sasuke," you say, and you give a smile, "besides, there's always a reason why a cat acts like this." You gently hold the cat in a way that would be comfortable and gently pet her. The cat starts to calm down a little, and it purrs in your arms. 

"Wow y/n," Sakura says, "how did you do that?" 

"Well, I've always liked animals. Mom taught me how to care for animals when I would go on missions with her." 

"We should get back to the village," Sasuke says. 

"Good idea." 

The four of you meet up with Kakashi and head back to the village. On the way to the Hokage's office, you see Kiba with his squad, and he waves over at you. You wave back with your free hand and smile. 

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