Episode Eighteen

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Inari runs from door to door, trying to gather as many people as possible to fight at the bridge.

"Come on," Inari yells, "if we all fight together, then we can take down Gato together! We can't just let my grandfather's bodyguards fight all by themselves! They need our help!"

No one responds to him, leaving the village quiet, almost like it was a ghost town.

Inari breathes heavily, the exhaustion from running around the village slowly catching up to him. "What do I do now? No one will open their door to listen to me." He then groans with frustration as he looks at the ground.

The memory of when you and Naruto came along to help him, the words that Naruto had said to him echoing in his mind. You are brave.

He clenches his fists. Fine, he thinks to himself, if no one else will help, then I'll help by myself!

He bursts into a sprint down the boardwalks through the village, heading off to prepare for his next destination—the bridge.


"You two keep hesitating," Haku says as the three of you look eye to eye with each other, "I thought you wanted to be mighty warriors."

"This isn't what this is about, Haku," you shout at him.

"There's more to being a Shinobi than just killing till there's one man left standing," Naruto shouts as he stands beside you.

Haku gives a broken smile. A smile you've seen yourself give to others for most of your life.

"I had a feeling all along," Haku says with a calm and tired tone in his voice, "from the moment we met face to face in the woods. We aren't that much different, and I'm sure you know what I mean."

Your heart winces at those words as his eyes meet with yours. You remember the feeling you felt when you were stolen away by Zabuza all those years ago, the fear and the loss of hope. He must have felt that same feeling before Zabuza came into his life.

If only he were found by your mother instead of Zabuza that day, then he would be able to see that being a shinobi doesn't mean having to fight for the top. He wouldn't have had to become the villain that Zabuza had turned him into.

He was nothing but an innocent boy, following what little hope he could get even if Haku were blind to what he wanted.

"I'm only sorry that you will be the ones who have my unworthy blood on your hands."

"Haku, don't speak like that," you say, trying to calm the situation and bring Haku to his senses, "you're misled. We can still help you."

Naruto grabs your hand, grabbing your attention away from Haku. "It's pointless, Y/n," he whispers to you, "no matter what you do now, he won't be changing his mind."

You turn your head away, knowing that he was right. However, you still tried to hold on to any hope you had left to get Haku on your side.

But you guessed it was useless even to try anymore.

"Are you sure about this," Naruto says to Haku, slightly pulling you back behind him. A sign of letting you know to let him handle this. "You're positive that this is the only way?"

"Yes," Haku responds to him, and Naruto groans in frustration. Naruto didn't want to, but he knew that he had to stop Haku if he didn't want people to end with the same fate as Sasuke.

Naruto bats your hand back gently, gesturing you to go back. Go back to Sasuke and make sure nothing else happens to his body while Naruto dealt with Haku.

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