Episode Seven

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You and your squad were on a boat crossing the sea, heading towards the Land of Waves. The closer you get to the island, the heavier the mist has gotten. No matter where you looked around, you could hardly see a thing.

"I can barely see a thing," you say as you stand up a little, trying to get a better look.

"Y/n sit down," Kakashi says, "you'll tip the boat."

"Are you trying to say I'm heavy," you say as you glare over at him.

"Just sit down."

You sit down, crossing your arms as you pout. You try not to break your character, but Kakashi makes a weird look on his face, causing you to laugh.

"Quiet," the man steering the boat says, and you cover your mouth.

"Sorry," you say in a muffled tone.

"This fog is so thick," Sakura says as she looks around, "you can hardly see a thing."

"Yeah, it's crazy." You look over your shoulder and into the fog.

You and the others sit in silence, making you feel uneasy. You wanted to say something to at least break the tension, but the man that was steering the boat beat you to it.

"The bridge isn't that far now," he says as he looks ahead, "the Land of Waves is just ahead."

You look ahead of the boat, looking for something that could be a structure. But the fog was just way too thick. Even with the unique sight of yours, you wouldn't be able to see through the mist.

Before you know it, the fog starts to thin up a little, showing the unfinished bridge. You were amazed by the size of the bridge; you have never seen a bridge of that size before—any wonder why anyone would feel threatened by it.

"Whoa, it's huge," Naruto yells as he stands up, leaning against the boat.

"Quiet," the man snaps at him, "I told you not to make any noise. Why do you think we're traveling like this?"

"Sit down," you whisper as you grab hold of Naruto by the back of his shirt, pulling him down while he covers his mouth.

You notice that Kakashi was looking at Tazuna, ready to confront him about everything. After letting go of Naruto, you turn towards Kakashi and Tazuna to listen to them.

"Mr. Tazuna," Kakashi says, "before we reach the peer, there's something that I want to ask you." Of course, Tazuna avoids making eye contact, feeling guilty about what had happened earlier.

"The men who are after you, I need to know why they want you. If you don't tell us, then I'm going to have no choice but to end this mission and drop you on the shore. I won't risk my student's lives if we don't know the issue."

Tazuna's silence makes you feel uneasy, and you were restless to get answers since this was the first mission that involved fighting in a long time.

He finally breaks his silence, letting out a sigh. "I have no choice but to tell you then," he sighs out. "No...I want you all to know the truth."

He takes a deep breath and looks up at the five of you. "Everything that is going to happen is way above what the original mission was going to be. The one that is after my head is a short man with a long, dark, and dangerous shadow."

"A dangerous shadow?" You blink your eyes in confusion. You've encountered many dangerous shadows in the past during your travels but what confused you was which one was he talking about.

"Who is it," Kakashi asks him.

"I'm sure you've heard his name before," Tazuna says, "he's one of the wealthiest men in the world. The Shipping Magnet, Gato."

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