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I need to finish watching season 4 but I just can't bring myself to watch Mirio lose everything.........

I'm gonna cry.



2nd POV:

You were feeling exhausted after everything that had happened today but despite that, you still wanted to be around Mirio and his energetic aura even if he would suck the little energy you had out of you. Sadly, you could not go see him. He had let you know that he would be busy today and would not be able to see at all, that he would be doing some intern work with Pro hero Sir Nighteye. Even if you wanted to protest and ask him to stay with you, you bit back all need to be near him and wished him luck. He gave you a grin in return and gave you a quick comforting hug before rushing off to his next destination. You watched him go until you could no longer make out his form, your longing for him growing with each passing minute.

Do you miss him?

You were taking a detour back home, not exactly wanting to get there just yet in hopes of perhaps being able to pay a visit to Mirio. Don't you want to see him? Your own mind was starting to betray you and it was difficult to ignore yet you thought nothing of it. It never occurred to you just how big the red flags were, they were being waved right in front o your face and you were blind to it.

I do miss him.

How much?


Why not go see him?

I'd most likely distract him.

Says who? I'm sure he'd be delighted to see you.


You need to see him. Go see him.

I can see him tomorrow.

You NEED to see him.

You pressed a palm over your temple as your other hand went over your eyes as a pulsating throb shot through your head. You groan, the pavement suddenly swirling under your shaky feet as you stopped all movement. You weren't just starting to miss him, the sudden desire of going to him was eating at you more and more. It was becoming unbearable and you embraced yourself as a way to keep yourself somewhat calm, only to fail miserably at it. You could feel your sorrow wanting to take over you as the voice in the back of your mind kept jabbing at you to let it in, to just give in to her already.

Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go.


Let's go see him.




You immediately cover your own ears as everything seemed to ring at an unbearably high-pitch. You weren't sure what was going on but you realize that you had your eyes tightly shut and upon opening them, your breath hitched at a familiar sight. You stumble back before falling onto your bum, your eyes solely focused on the white silhouette in front of you, its static and unfocused form immediately reminding you what it was. Though it had no features of any kind, you knew on instinct that it was staring at you as you watched it in horror.

The embodiment of your fear.

It kept releasing a deafening ring, causing windows to shatter and any other glass materials to do so as well. You were confused at the sight of it, no way could it have appeared out of thin air, at least not while you were mute. You hated this silhouette with all your might because it never lets you forget your deepest and darkest of fears. It wouldn't really do anything to you, it didn't move much either, only sauntering aimlessly as it continued to feed off your fear, creating more of itself with abysmal blacks for eyes. Those clones would then rush to the nearest person and even though it had no real form, it definitely did for those who would look straight into their eyes, making them relive their worst nightmares.

You would not let that happen, not anymore and you jumped onto your feet as you try to call out for it. When not a sound left your lips, the silhouette turned to face you, its color slowly turning to a very dark shade of blue before slowly fading away. You were left speechless, panting as you tried to process what just happened but before you could, you noticed the commotion around you as people, obviously disturbed, came out of their houses as they ranted to each other of their confusion. You dropped your gaze as your erratic heartbeat picked up its pace, you tried to make yourself seem small as you pushed against the crowd to head home.

For once, everything you were afraid of did not leave you shaken but instead, it left you in complete despair and you had to bite your tongue to keep yourself from just dropping onto your knees to weep all your sorrows. Not only were you mortified, but you also couldn't keep the immense amount of disappointment wash over you.

Your quirk. It had activated despite being mute and you couldn't understand why. Despite seeing the one form you wished to not see, it had still lighted a tiny flame of hope that perhaps...perhaps...

Your eyes burned and everything around you was a blur, all the voices around only added to your sudden despair and the muscles on your face begin to tighten as you start sobbing. You pushed past everyone without so much as giving them a glance, not that they were looking at you either but sometimes you wished they would.

You wished they could see the broken pieces of yourself and help mend you up once again. Nothing broken ever came back looking the same but at least the pieces of your life would be put back together. The image of Mirio suddenly appears in your mind, his bright and golden hair, his broad and goofy grin, his gentle caresses of comfort, and his sturdy build, giving you a sense of safety as he embraces you whenever you had a panic attack. Your sobs immediately die down and the tightening of muscles on your face relaxes.

For once, you had kept yourself from having a panic attack, it would be something to celebrate if your mind and heart were healing in the right direction. Making a sudden turn for safety and comfort was not always the best choice for mental and emotional stability. You knew that but at this moment, your mind chose to omit it and your heart put up no fight against it.

Instead, you smiled as a wave of tranquility fills you and you take a leisure walk back to your place. Your parents seeing you somewhat like your past self had them brighten at the sight of you once you were home. They were also blind to the red flags already beginning to show as you start preparing for what the day had in store for you tomorrow.



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