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"You haven't ordered anything yet?"


Natsu stared confoundingly at his brother. All the thoughts that's been bothering him ever since Cana toldhim everything about his brother's hidden nature are all coming into a blank abyss.

His brother smiled at him before walking towards the table and sat comfortably.

'There is no way...'

"Do you mind if I order our food now? I'm hungry from the sudden trip." Zeref announced.

"O-oh sure. No problem"

And after a moment they picked their dinner and it were immediately served to them in less than 10 minutes. The perks of being on a 5 star restaurant.

They eat in silence as Zeref munch his food with Natsu taking a glance from his brother then and now.

Natsu sighed dejectedly.

"So tell me, why do you want to see me. Do you have something to say?" Zeref started the conversation nonchalantly as he drink some wine.

"Ah, yes. There is. And I'm sorry to bother you suddenly without any reserve. I just want to... confirm something" he answered worryingly not meeting his brother's eye.

Natsu is  worried what kind of expression his brother will give when he knows that he's been suspected as the man behind all of this but mostly, he is much more worried if he'll sees the look of betrayal from his own brother. 

Zeref immediately stopped from drinking and put down the glass of wine.

The mood abruptly changed and becomes heavier.

"So what is this that you want to confirm? Tell me, I'm all ears"

Natsu becomes restless with heavy uneasiness dominating his while body.

"Brother, that incident at the ball. Where were you when it all happened?"

Natsu were seriously looking at his brother whom Zeref just stared at him with calm demeanor. It's not what he expected him to react.

"Why'd you ask?" Zeref rebuffed.

Natsu looked away as he answered.

"I-It's not really a good thing to say this to you but really... I want to hear your side and to clear this bothering feeling I have." He explain trying not to sound suspicious towards his brother.

Zeref played with the glass of wine on his hands not looking at Natsu as he explained his side.

"I was there when it all happened then everything went to chaos. Father protected you first not even taking a glance at his other son. What a lucky father you have there..." Zeref ended with a smirk.

"Our father" Natsu corrected.

Zeref stopped playing with the glass of wine for a moment before sipping the last pour of it. Natsu noticed the quick  dark expression his brother had when he corrected him.

"Is that all you want to ask?"

"After that where did you go?"

"I got an emergency call about business matters we have overseas. I fly out there immediately after the incident, solved the problem then you called me. Now, I'm here. Are you satisfied now or do you still need to interrogate me about the time and dates of everything?" Zeref said snappily.

Natsu were quite taken aback.

"I'm sorry if you feel I'm interrogating you. I'm just so stressed right now about everything"

"I know my brother can't do such a thing. I worried for nothing" Natsu thought to himself as he escaped a sigh.

"Oh, by the way. I'm sorry about your friend, Lucy's her name right? I heared she went missing for days now. If you need anything, I'm willing to help." Zeref concluded.

"Thank you bro—. How'd you know she's missing? There was no news about it because we're keeping it private." Natsu asked in confusion.

"Oh. I heard it from father when we talked last night in the phone."

Natsu were frozen on his feet as anxiousness and fear flashed on him.

"But father never called even if it's about business or serious emergency. It's always his secretary to do such thing"


He's lying.

All of what Cana said to him about his brother clouded his mind. Those surreal revelation of dark secrets his brother had against him is all coming back to him with heavier intensity. He felt nothing but only the numbness of his entire body and the fast beating of his heart.

"Do you trust your brother to know that he's not capable of doing everything I said?"

Is he dreaming? Is this real? Why is it that her brother didn't even flinch or batted an eye on this kind of situation?
Is this the feeling of betrayal?

A phone call interrupted the trail of thoughts Natsu has been occupied. His brother picked it up, answered, exchanged some conversation and the call ended.

"It's about some business stuff. It looks like they needed me there. If that is all that you wanted to ask. I shall take my leave then."  Zeref said. He walked towards the door but Natsu called out to him.


Zeref stopped midway not looking back.

"What do you think of me. Do you see me as your brother?"

There was a moment of silence before Zeref answered.

"Of course, I do"

"Really? Then can you call me that right now"

Another silence occupied. Natsu stared at the retreating back of his brother hoping this was all just a dream.

"Until next time Natsu"

Zeref said without looking back and exited the room leaving Natsu behind. As the door closes, Natsu sip all the wine on his glass with a one go before smashing the glass to the nearest wall. He clenched his hand in frustration. Why? How could he look past all the signs? The brother that he used to know years back ago is not the same person as he is now. How can he not think of the possibilities. Is it her brother's doings all the killing attempts he had before? If his brother managed to kill him, will he also kill their father? Will he kill Lucy?

Natsu covered his face with his hands as he thought of the possibilities his brother are capable of. He feel useless.

"What are you sulking there Pinky. Accept the fact and move on!" Cana's voice suddenly burst and Natsu snapped his head towards her whom leaning at the door frame.

"What are yo—"

"Is this the man Lucy fell for? Geez, you look like mess. Your handsome face cannot save you this time"

Natsu stared at her in bewilderment.

"Come on. We gotta go, we're tracking down the enemy's hideout"

Natsu look at her with confusion.

Cana smiled at him wickedly.

"I bugged their car and put a tracking device. Cobra and the others probably on their way in pursuit so you better get off your fat ass on that chair and stop sulking like a kid without a lollipop and follow me. That's only if you want to see gold fish. Your choice..." She said and shrugged at the end before taking her leave.

Natsu processed everything she said and immediately get on his feet following where she left to.

Can they really trick the trickster into their trap?
Will they be trapped in their own trick?


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