With You

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Riding with her bicycle, Lucy are on her way to the academy when the wheel of her bike deflated. She stopped to check if she can fix it but no use. Lucy goes to the nearest bike parking station and temporarily parked her bike and started walking her way to school.

"Just how ironic my day started"

She's walking along the road when a sound of a new expensive car's honk startled her. The car opened it's front window to be greeted by Natsu's smug looks.

"Wanna ride?" Natsu offered following Lucy with his car.

"No thanks"

Natsu grinned in amusement.

"It's still a long way to school. I'm offering you a once of a lifetime convenience" he cockily said.

"I'm totally fine. Thank you for your once of a lifetime convenience..." she said in sarcasm.

"Okay, if you say so. I'll just have to follow you around until you'll get annoyed by me and willingly  get inside my car"

"You're so annoying. I want to kill you"

"Many tried but still, here I am. Alive. But for you, your most welcome to kill me"

Lucy rolled her eyes and at the end, Lucy get inside Natsu's car just like how he predicted. Natsu are humming happily while driving. Lucy noticed his action and couldn't stop herself but to stare at him. She hate to admit it but she'll probably going to miss his annoying face.

"Are you falling in love with me?" Natsu announced as he noticed her stare. Lucy hissed in respond.

"You wish"

"I'm just joking. Relax"

There's a moment of silence when Lucy asked an unexpected question.

"Y-you want to go out with m-me?"

Natsu instantly pushed the brake engine with wide eyes.

"Are you insane Dragneel?!" Lucy shrieked in freak out. Natsu faced her in hopes.

"Are you asking me on a date?.."

"It's not a d-date idiot! It's j-just a friendly o-out!" Lucy defensively explained.

"..Then, I'd love to go to a friendly out with you.."

Not long after, Natsu and Lucy changed into a different clothes thanks to Natsu's extra shirts at the back of his car.

"My shirt fits you well.." Natsu commented. Lucy smiled gently and taken it back before Natsu can see her.

"Where going to a place I know.." Lucy said changing the topic. Natsu looked at her with no idea.

They stroll together in the city and ended up on a firing station. Natsu were surprised that Lucy brought him here and that she actually know places like this. 
They entered the establishment and wear the necessary things before doing the shots. They separately entered their station as they prepared themselves for the count down.

"I'll beat you this time Luce!" Natsu confidently announced. Lucy smiled slightly in amuse.

"Beat me if you can..."

The firing alarm beamed signalling the start of the shooting. Targets from fair distance showed up in different corner of the station. Bullets escaping from their gun every shots they made are scattered around the floor. They can't help themselves but to feel the enjoyment and adrenaline penetrating towards their body. The signal once again alarmed meaning that the shooting range has been ended. They take off their goggles as targets moved forward, enough to see their shots. 

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