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The loud booming sound and student's hyper ambiance illuminating the party is a good sign that everything is going out so well. After taking a sip of a drink with Loke, Lucy excused herself for a moment and walked her way out of the party. She made her way up to the rooftop for fresh air and silence. She desperately needs a place for discernment as her mood changed all of a sudden as soon as she saw Natsu and Lisanna at each other's arms and she doesn't know why or what feeling it is. A flash of what Levy said to her irked her attention.

"...--- sometimes you don't need an answer on everything you experience in life. It just so happened. You will only say that you're in love when you encounter the curse word"

"The curse what?!'' Lucy asked getting so confused now.


Lucy were frozen at her place before laughing out loud so hard that she clutched her stomach for support.

"Me? Jealous?! That's absurd!" she said to herself and continue to laugh 'till her hearts content. As the breezy air enveloped the area, she slowly comes to her senses and calmed down little by little. All is clear by now, what she has been feeling is all coming together. She tried to fight it but it is too strong that she can't help to be carried away. These overflowing emotions that surge deep inside her. 

Her eyes widen in disbelief.

"There's no way..."

"That you're in love and jealous?" a voice from behind escaped. Lucy turned around and was dumbfounded to find who it is.

"What are you doing here Lisanna?"

Lisanna smiled mischievously at her and walked towards her direction as she speaks.

"Don't change the subject here Lucy. I am correct, aren't I?"

"I don't need to explain myself to you and its none of your business"

Lisanna smirked as soon as she arrived besides Lucy and pat her shoulders.

"You can't fool a woman's instinct darling..." she looked at her with her piercing eyes. "...I am a woman myself. I know."

She left Lucy's side and walked towards the end of the rooftop. She closed her eyes and feel the cold breeze of air that touches and tingling her soft skin.

"What a beautiful night" she softly said before opening her eyes.

Lucy turned her heels to leave but stopped when Lisanna spoke.

"I like Natsu. I like everything about him ever since we were kids. He even promised me to make me his Queen and marry me when we grow up. We got engaged at a young age and I thought that this is what they called Destiny and Love. But a lot had happened. My parents divorced and we migrated thus the engagement cancelled. Though, I hold on to that promise you know. I still do." She ended hopeful.

Lucy is confused. "Why are you telling me this?"

"Because you came into the picture and everything seems so impossible now!" Lisanna shouted as she turned her heels and come face to face with Lucy.

"I don't know what you talking about"

Lisanna scoffed. "Don't be stupid! Only a fool cannot notice how Natsu longingly look at you whenever you are not staring." Lucy flinched. She has no idea. She suddenly wants to see Natsu.

"Well, it doesn't really matter now. After this, Natsu will only think nothing but me." Lisanna said to herself. Lucy looked at her suspiciously.

"What do you mean?"

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