Sealed With A ...

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Lucys' heart beats so fast that she can't focus on anything else but the surging feeling dominating her entire body. She tried to run away and ignore this itching throb she felt whenever his around. Whenever he looked at her direction and immediately turns away when she turns at him. Whenever he worries too much and act on impulse for her own good. Whenever he tries to be the Knight-in-Shinning-Armor that irritates her the most. Whenever he smiles and reassures her that everything will be alright. Even though she tries to hate all of those things, she really can't. Because little by little she knows that deep down, she likes it. The feeling of being cared and being wanted. The feeling of being important by someone. These feelings that she tries to run away, in truth, she actually wanted to experience. 

This time, she won't run away nor escape from it.


While panting heavily, she ran through the stairways down to the corridor of the academy in search for someone. She needs to find him!

"You know Natsu likes you right? I know you like him too..."

I don't hate him though and I am at peace when I see him. I want him to only look at me and my heart skips a beat whenever were together. I do like him.

"...Why don't you tell him? You never know when its too late"

Should I tell him? But I am scared.

"Didn't you know? Natsu's leaving"

I must.

Lucy even ran faster and if she has to searched every corner of the school to find him, she will. She spotted Gray sitting at the room and she slammed her hand in front of his desk to gain his attention unbothered by the ongoing class. The students around them and even the teacher flinched at her sudden burst. Nobody tried to stop her with menacing aura that speaks trouble if you mess with her, of course who would have want an early death wish?

"W-where's h-he?'' she asked in between her breath.

Gray cast a puzzled look at her before realizing who she asking for. Seeing the desperation in her eyes, he smiled understandingly and sighed all knowingly.

"You finally figure it out, huh. He's at the Gym—"

She ran away not caring to listen all throughout. She ran as fast as her feet can go with her clouded mind of images of him leaving. There is no way she'll let him leave after realizing her feelings. 

Not now, never.

She arrived at the place and she there she finds him doing some ball shooting all alone. She was frozen at her place suddenly the thought of running away again pops up. A ball rolls down towards her direction and even before she can think of what to do next she ends up meeting him eye to eye.

"Lucy? What're you doing here?"

She was in shock and even if she do have a lot to say to him, it looks like her mouth got stuck. Natsu looked away from her while scratching his head with the same feeling as her. Lucy clench her hands seeing him looking uncomfortable with her.

"I'm sorry''

Lucy widen her eyes by surprise.

"This is my first time apologizing and I really don't know how to do this but... I was wrong. I'm sorry for ignoring and being cold on you. I saw you with Gray. You look happy and comfortable talking with him in compared to us. It's either we ended up arguing or you hating me..." Natsu paused and smiled sadly.


"I'm confused about my feelings. I think I am jealous. It's hard to admit that I can't make you happy the way others can do. I want you to be happy and to smile for me but it's harder than I expected." He smiled sheepishly at her direction.


"Do you hate me that much Luce?"  Natsu asked with pain very visible in his eyes. 


"Damn. I really talk nonsense here, HAHAHA. Maybe if you punch me right here right now I—"

Natsu stopped midsentence as soft tender lips stopped him from talking. 

He blink once, twice, and thrice before realizing. He envelope his arms around her holding her closely to him and closed his eyes returning the kiss. All the troubles and confused feelings they both shared finds comfort and answer as they finally let their heart decide and take the lead.


"I've done my part. I did everything I can. But what can I say? I've returned too late..." Lisanna said to the person in the other line.

A smirk escaped from the lips of that person and smugly answered. "You're everything is not enough my dear but it will suffice, for now"

"Tsk. Bastard. What will you do now?"

"You don't have to know the details. Guess I need to go home and do it myself then"

"You're coming home? For real? I thought you vow not to come back here ever again? You have the change of heart huh"

"Things gone out of hand. So much time has been wasted. This should end"

"We agreed to do this no matter what the result may be. Now my job is done. My sister don't owe you anything now Zeref"

"hmm... but I don't remember saying anything like that." He highly said.

"Why you--!"

The call ended.

Zeref smiled evilly sitting on his office calmly feeling satisfied. A knock was heard and a man in a suit came in holding a folder.

"Master Zeref, this is the document you asked for Sir" the man said.

Zeref opened it and a look of pleasure lingers for a second.

Name: Lucy Heartfilla; aka Lucia Heart

Background: 18; an orphan, ex-gang member

Verdict: found not guilty with The Konzern Family Murder case

"Sir, as ordered Zancrow is highly treated by our people and they say he is already healed and is very much willing to cooperate with you Sir" the man said.

"What a timing. That's good to hear. Prepare the plane. I have a little brother to surprise"

He said with nothing good in mind.

Evil is inevitable.


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