Plan B

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Natsu went to places where Lucy introduced at him yesterday. He went to the shooting station, ask Jura if he knows something and even asked people that might saw her but he got nothing. He wondered around from place to place in search for her. Suddenly his phone rang wherein Jellal were on the other line.

"Natsu, did you find her?"

"No. Not yet. But I won't stop until I find her" he said with dedication.

"I will tell the others but, I have an information that might help.."

"What is it?!"

"...Levy said that Lucy works as a part-time on a convenience store in Blue Pegasus."

"Thanks your the tip. I'm on my way"

Natsu buckled inside his car and dashed immediately at the said place. He arrived at the store and was greeted by the manager.

"Luce?!" He bursts in search.

"Your perfume is in such worrisome. I'm Ichiya, the store's manager. How may I help you young man?" The unusual looking man said in approach.

"I'm looking for a girl named Lucy Heartfilla. She's a blonde and a part-timer in your store. Do you know her?" He asked in despair.

"I did know her but she just resigned. We don't have lot of information about her because she's just new but she said that she's studying in FTA and living alone in an apartment in strawberry lane street"

"Is that all you know?!" Natsu blurted. He couldn't keep his cool self anymore, not now.

"Sorry, young man. But that's all I know. Now, if you'll excuse me"

Natsu wearily sat inside his car feeling exhausted. He's sure that he didn't done anything wrong that upsets Lucy yesterday. He rested on his car's steering wheel don't know what to do next not until an incoming call buzzed in.

"Mr. Natsu Dragneel?.. I already gathered datas about the picture of the devil's eye" the investigator announced. Natsu was alarmed and got an idea.

"I have another work for you and I need it now!.." the other line went silent meaning he's listening carefully. "..I want you to find Lucy Heartfilla's exact address..."


Inside Dark Reaper's guild, each team performing their daily routine. Some are taking their routine patrolling, others are at their posts, few are taking their break playing cards and some are taking naps. Inside the prisoner's cell, Kinana tried loosening from the strong knot of her hands on the chair but no use.

"Hey you!.. I need to go to the bathroom!" Kinana shouted at the cell guard.

"Alpha said that your a good trickster. Why should I follow you?" He said in arrogance. She hissed in annoyance.

"...Really? Then there's no problem if I pee in here.."

"You---" he was cut of when somebody injected something on him that causes him to faint. Kinana were surprised and become more surprised when the intruder unveil it's mask.

"Cobra!" She acclaimed. Cobra snatched the keys from the fainted man and unlocked the cell.

"Don't shout they might hear us.." he murmured softly while untying his little sister. She hugged him tightly feeling safe and protected.

"How did you get in?"

"Lucy's with me. She planned everything. Just follow what I says and you will be freed from this hell soon." He guaranteed. She nod in understanding. They were about to exit the cell when Kinana stopped him.


"I...I really need to go to the bathroom..." she shamelessly said.

Cobra give her a look. Seriously?

After a minute, they continued their escape plan. They tied and stripped the fainted man, taking his outfit with Cobra. They acted as if Kinana was being dragged out from the cell guard but in reality it's Cobra himself. They walked through the building's corridors and goes to the nearest exit but someone shouted from behind that made them stopped on their tracks.

"Hey!.. You dropped your knife!" Zancrow shouted as he walked towards them and handed the knife to Cobra. Hopefully, the hat and the air mask will cover his face well enough.

"Look what we have here..." he amusingly said while clutching Kinana's face moving it from side to side. Cobra clenched his fist in containing his anger. "where are you taking this waste?.."

"Alpha wanted her" he replied accordingly. He wasn't that convinced but let it go afterwards and turned to face Kinana.

"...your face is reminding me how I despise your friend Lucy.." he said and abruptly choked her with hatred on his eyes. Kinana coughed from the choke and Cobra was about to bursts but were stopped by her signalling him not to. Seconds later, Zancrow stopped choking Kinana who cough, catching her breathing to be on steady. He smirked at her pitiful state.

"You look pathetic!" He exclaim and started laughing. "...drag that waste out of my sight!"

Cobra assisted his sister and hurriedly exited the place before they will found out what they did. As they are far enough from the building, a black tainted car stopped in front of them and greeted by an overwhelming smile.

"Get in!" Lucy bursts happily.


The day already at it's end as darkness are escaping through the sky. They stopped blocks away from Lucy's apartment and get off of the car as they bid farewell to each others. Just like how Lucy planned everything on hand.

"Lucy, I will miss you!" Kinana announced hugging Lucy very tight as if it'll be there last. Lucy smiled softly at her. She doesn't want them to get hurt that's why even if it's hard, she must do what's the best for them. Afterall, she only gives bad luck to people she love.

Kinana smiled softly at Lucy before going back inside the car.

"You two should head the northern route, they won't follow you there. You're safe there" Lucy reassured.

"Cy, Are you sure about this? I can stay by your side. Kinana will under---" Lucy hugged Cobra making him stopped from talking.

"Don't worry I'm fine" she said in assurance. Cobra sighed deeply and hugged back.

"Be careful. Zancrow's still an asshole like he is" he warned before geeting inside the car.

"You don't have to tell me..." she said smilling. "I'm always ready"

They bid their goodbyes and started their engine following what Lucy commend. Left alone, she started walking home to her apartment. The starry night sky and the warm thin air are making her feel relax and at ease. Only one thing left undone.

To disappear. 

She entered her apartment and was about to lock it after when she heard some mysterious noises inside her living room. Cautiously, she locked the door and slowly but silently walked through her living room with an equipped P228 pistol she hide under the plant beside her door. She creep handling the gun with ease unbeknownst of what will happen.


All Lucy's friend's at the FTA shouted as the lights turned on. Even the Kings are present. But it looks like they were the one's who were surprised of what they saw.

Because Lucy is pointing a gun on them.


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