1 Year Later

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The gang gathered at the small pub called Love and Lucky. After their long hard work or they prefer calling it torture, they successfully graduated highschool and now having an after party celebration.

"Dang it Gajeel! Try harder! I'm betting a hundred bucks on you!" Levy acclaimed as she witness the arm wrestling between Gajeel and some bulky stranger at the pub. They're making a small arena at the middle of the place.

"Shut it squid! I'm... trying..." Gajeel responded as he tries to take advantage to win the match but failed.

"Then try harder you cowardly chicken!" She provoked.

"What the hell did you call me!"

"You son of a cowardly chicken!"

Gajeel gritted his teeth in anger and frustration.

"That's it!"

Out of nowhere, he found a new amount of strength and successfully defeated his opponent. Some cried out of their defeat and some cried of joy for their winnings. With a smug on his face, Gajeel looked at Levy.

"What'd you say again?"

"I know your gonna win anyways. Am just enjoying to taunt you. No biggie" Levy replied playfully.

"Why you little..."

"Just accept it alrrready. You caaaan't defeat meee *hic*" Cana announced as she ended another round mug of beer.

"I'll never accept defeat on a woman. *hic*. Give me another round! *hic*" Laxus said but already on his limits. 

"Tsk, pridefull bastard. As if I'll let you win. Give me another shot too!" Cana said with a lingering smirk of amusement.

"Cana-san, Laxus-san. Please stop it already. You'll be dead drunk if you continue this!" Kinana said in worrisome.

"Pshh, don't worry too much. This is my game *hic*" Cana reassured with a wink as she shrugged everything in one go.

"Another one!"

Laxus eye her in total horror.

"You're impossib—"

and he lost consciousness.


Cana laughed humorous.

"Told yah. You are interesting bubble bee. *Hic* Give me another one. Give it all to me!" She announced happily as she laughed at her partner's condition.

"Gray-sama, Juvia will cheer for you!" Juvia said excitingly as Gray will try to outscore Loke in Darts play.

Gray smiled in respond. Loke nudge him in the shoulder.

"I smell something fishy in here. Are you two dating?" Loke stated.


"Gotcha! I am right. Am I the last man standing as a bachelor here? How sad..." Loke dramatically said.

"Sad my ass. Then how do you call those girls at the corner giving you flirty looks."

"Well, I can't help it. My charm's irresistible" Loke responded casually as he give a wink to the girls and they squek in delight.

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