Cold as Ice

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"Okay class, find a partner for we will going to do an experiment" their teacher announced. 

Lucy is currently attending her class after a long week of not showing up. As expected, she's totally bored and half of herself wanted to get out and skip the class. But, half of her also wanted to stay and she didn't know why. Maybe because she wanted to see someone that's been oddly bothering her.

All of the other students find themselves a partner. Lucy didn't mind being solo because she don't want to be with people that will talk behind her back. She don't need anyone anymore for she already have few friends she can count on. A shy petite black haired girl approach her that's too obvious that she's nervous to the bone.

"Ahmm.. L-ucy-senpai..."

Lucy raised her a brow.

"I-I... w-would like to... I m-mean do y-out want t-to... be m-my..." 

The shy girl fidget crazily as she stutter like a teenager trying to confess her love to her crush.

"Can you control your nervousness? It's annoying me" Lucy replied a little bit harsher than she wanted to. The girl was now frozen in fear because of her simple reply.

'Great' Lucy thought.

Before Lucy could respond the girl suddenly run out of the class. Too scared to continue. The other students gave Lucy a dirty look but didn't say anything.

'I didn't even do anything wrong' she thought. She rolled her eyes and wear the protective goggles and lab gown. Alone.

Or so she thought.

"Mr. Dragneel. Why are you late? Find a partner this instant! We'll have an experiment"

Unfortunately, Lucy's the only one in the class without a parther. He then wear the necessary things and approached her side. She can feel the cold tension between them and for the first time, she doesn't like it. She doesn't like the silent Natsu. She cleared her throat and use their current situation as an excuse.

"Ahmm... Do y-you have any idea what we're going t-to do?" She silently cursed herself from stuttering. Now she know what the shy girl feels.

Natsu would be very happy this moment that Lucy is the one who started the conversation but not now. He really wanted to look at Lucy's eyes and tell her that he's okay. But whenever he was about to do it, the memory of Lucy and Gray hugging intimately flashes on his head.

"I don't know" he shortly replied.

"Do you at least know names of these things and substance?"


Lucy's irritation are slowly building up.

"Can you hand me the syringe?"

"Get it yourself"

That's it.

"What's your problem?!'' Lucy erupted. Still, Natsu resisted to face her and it's getting into his nerves.

"I don't know what your talking about"

"Don't play dumb Natsu. I can feel it that you're not okay. What's wrong?''

Natsu almost look at her and believe that she's worried about him. Almost.

"It's none of your business"

"What the hell's wrong with you!" She shouted in frustration that gain the attention of everyone. She uneasily look at her surrounding and flushed in embarrassment. She gave never been lose her control in public.

"Ms. Heartfilla show some respect in my class! I dislike students with bad attitude. Understood?!"

"Y-yes ma'am..." she murmured.

Natsu felt a little bit guilty that she got in trouble because of him. But he already started this game and there's no turning back now.


Levy opened her locker to get her book for her next class. She remembered the heated conversation earlier between Lisanna and Lucy. The others may not seemed to notice but not her. She now what's the cause of the tension and she don't know why but, she think that Lisanna is a bad news. She need to know more and find evidences to back up her intuition. She closed her locker and was greeted by Gajeel's face whose been hiding from behind it.

"Hello shrimp"

"You scared the soul out of me!"

Gajeel smirked.

"Such a chicken. What's up? You look weird"

Levy give him the look of 'really?'

"...I don't look weird Gajeel. I'm just thinking"

"About me?" He smugly said.

"Ha! In your dreams metal head. It's about Lisanna"

Gajeel give her the look of 'please continue'

Levy started walking with Gajeel following beside her.

"I don't know. Maybe it's just me but I think she doesn't like us. Especially Lucy" she admitted.

"You're being paranoid shrimp. It's just your first meeting. Lisanna is a very good friend. Give her a chance" he explained.

Levy sighed getting his point but still. "Maybe you're right but still I can't put a finger about what am I feeling"

Gajeel patted her head like a kid.

"You're just hungry. Come on, I'll treat you snack"

"N-no thanks. I'm not hungry" she said but her blush is saying the opposite.

"Such killjoy..." he declared and offered to walk her to her next class. On their way, they saw Lisanna getting inside the student supreme council conference room.

"Oh, there's Lisanna. She's getting inside the SSG room. Maybe she's meeting with Jellal or Erza" Gajeel suspected. Levy on the other hand, feels something the moment Lisanna entered the room. And it's not a good feeling.

"Lisanna you're here. Are you the one Mr. Principal appointed to help us?" Erza interrogated as soon as she entered the place.

Lisanna just smiled openly at them while nodding in agreement. They also smiled knowing that it's is Lisanna who's going to help them.

"I really don't understand that old man. He said he's going to give us some time to prepare but now, he said that the homecoming will be this coming Friday. I wonder what changes his mind" Jellal said exasperatedly.

Erza put a hand on his shoulder encouragingly. "Calm down Jellal. We can do this. I'm always here to support you, remember?" Jellal suddenly smiled at her before Lisanna interrupted them with a cough. They immediately fix themselves feeling embarrass. 

"Did you have any idea for the homecoming?" Lisanna started.

"Actually, we still don't have any theme in mind yet." Erza answered.

"Do you have anything in mind?" Jellal questioned.

"Yes, I have."

"That's good. What is it?"

Lisanna darkly smiled.

"A Halloween themed party..."

Be ready.
I smell something wicked.


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