Phone Call

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"Oh damn. What now?!" Gray shouted in frantic.

"I only have 3 bullets left" Cobra hissed in annoyance as another man tried to aim for him with a broken glass on hand.


"Now, make that 2 bullets"

"Shit" Now, it's Gray's turn to curse as a skinny man tried to drag him out of the car through his collar but he fred himself by biting my the man's hands and pushing him hard out of the way with the use of the side door leaving it with some scratches.

"Am glad this ain't my car after all" Cobra rhetorically stated that received a 'what-are-you-talking-about' look by Gray. He just shrugged his shoulders innocently.

As the others give their utmost greetings of punches to those men who tries to assault them yet, it is evident on their faces that they are having a hard time dealing the situation.

"Gray... start.. the... fucking... CAR!!" Gajeel shouted in between his punches.

"Am trying! Am trying!!" Gray responded as he turn the key up and down hoping it would start the engine.

"More is coming!" Laxus alarmed.

"I don't wanna die single" Loke said to no one and the other's facepalm at him.

With the adrenaline of the possibility of dying, Gray turned the key to start once again and it did responded accordingly.

"It worked. It wo-"

Gray short celebration was cut out when a boulder that is used for carrying cargo hit them from behind.

"What the hell's going on!''

The boulder started pushing them forward towards the open sea.

"We must get out of here!" Gray shouted to everyone. But even before they could open the car a bullet fires on them as if preventing them from escaping the fortuitous event.

"Those fuckers is not letting us!" Gajeel hissed.

"This is mad!" Loke said in despair.

The boulder continued to push them away with the reward present on mind.

"I hope you all know how to swim" Cobra's last remarked before their car totally reached the end of the line and they all submerged to the sea water.

As soon as water hit them coldly, they all bring themselves out of the car and hurriedly escaped for air before they'll be all drowned inside the wrecked car.

They reached the sea surface and gasps for air.

"Where's Gray?!" Laxus questioned before they all realize.

"Oh, fuck me!" Cobra utter in dismay as he swam back to the car feeling responsible for saving the guy.

Gray is losing his air as he tries to get out of the seatbelt but couldn't because it's broken and so he was stuck.

Before he lose consciousness, Cobra appeared and helped him out. Cobra signalled Gray that he will shoot the seatbelt to get unlocked and he will swim his way out towards the surface. Gray nod in understanding and without wasting any second Cobra did what he ought to do. It was a success and together they swim up hurriedly and gasp for air.

"Don't move" a man shouted from above them and as Cobra regained stability he aimed his gun towards the owner of the voice.

It's him against five people with guns. The others furiously raised their hands in surrender.

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