Calm before the Storm

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Everyone shouted in unison. All except Gray who is partly satisfied and amused at the sudden burst of the others as he texting someone silently.

"Guys, don't be so shocked. It's all obvious from the beginning" Gray carefrely said.

"You knew this would happen but you didn't care to tell us?" Erza asked.

"Are you stupi---" he paused mid-sentence and gulp really hard before thinking what careful words he have to said.

Erza raised her brows at him venomously.

"I-I m-ean isn't what it really goes. Haters turns to Lovers kind of thing... hahahaha" Gray replied and laughed awkwardly.

"Za, calm down. Things such as this happens the least you expected. You can't control it" Jellal announced as he put an arm on her shoulders to ease her. Erza were suddenly stiff from the action and blushed like a tomato.

"Y-Yes! You're right!"

"Nonetheless, we're glad you said it to us Lulu. It only means that you fully trust us now. We support you two" Jellal sincerely said.

With mixed emotions, Lucy we're blessed that she found these people who accepted and understand her. And right now, she isn't alone anymore. She has someone she can rely on without a doubt.

"Man. You all are annoying. What's the big fuss about us being together? Geez" Natsu said scratching his head.

Erza smack his head.

"What the..."

"Shut up you 'oh-so-called-king'. We're not asking for your opinion. I wonder what Lucy see in you..." Erza said still in disbelief.

"Yeah. Well, let's asked the person itself then!" Natsu barked confidently. Now all eyes are on Lucy.

"Luce, what do you liked about me." Natsu said staring intensely at her.

With his perfectly rounded onyx eyes that seems like knocking out off of her breath plus the deliberate looks she's receiving from her surrounding gives her nothing but a redening of her cheeks due to embarrassment.

Instead, she smacked Natsu's head in response that leaves him speechless and dumbfounded.

"Don't question me stupid things Natsu" She sternly said looking away at him with a furious blush.

"What! What did I do?" Natsu questioned nothing in particular.

Levy giggled beside Lucy and hugged her tightly.

"I'm so happy for you Lu-chan!"

Lucy smiled. "Thank---"

"HA! I won the bet. Now each of you give me a hundred bucks!" Levy bursted cutting her off and turned to Gajeel, Loke and Laxus who groaned in return.

Lucy stared at her so called best friend in total starstruck. Levy smiled ear to ear like a boss while snatching the money out of her prays hand.

"Are you even true? You're betting on us Levy! The hell?!" Lucy boasted. Levy just give her a triumphant face.

"Lu-chan everything is fair in love and war" and she winked at her.

Lucy can't do anything but to give her the 'how-could-you' face.

"Eh? A bet? To whom are you betting me against?" Natsu intrigued.

"With who do you think Lover boy" Gajeel mocked and tilted his head on Gray's direction.

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