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"Class Dismiss..."

Students are excitedly exiting rooms as today is the favorite day of every students. Friday.
Lucy is walking down the corridor when a foot blocked her way making her fall to the ground carelessly. A sound of wicked laugh escaped.

"... oh! I'm sorry. Not" Angel said as she video everything and pressed post. "...oops! My hand slipped on her own. My bad"

Angel leaved Lucy, victorious this time. Lucy picked her things when someone helped her picking her things.

"Here..." said the man as he handed Lucy her things which she firmly accepted. "... A thank you would be nice"

"I didn't ask for your help " Lucy blurted and started walking. The man blocked Lucy's way and extend his arm to shake.

"It looks looks like you're so busy that you forget me... I'm Gray Fullbuster. The silly man who dropped the wallet in the parking lot, remember?" Gray explained. Lucy was confused at first but remembered afterwards.

"Okay..." she replied declining the handshake and continue walking. Gray still followed her, feeling impressed and amused.

"You know what, your the first one who declined a handshake from me" Gray honestly stated.

"And so...?!"

"And so I want you to go out with me tomorrow..."

"Tssk. Silly" Lucy said slightly amused.

"Why?! I just wanted to know you more. That's all!" Gray defended. Lucy chucked and so they chitchat like they we're close.

Natsu and Loke was walking side by side at that moment. Laxus is in the field practicing football while Gajeel is somewhere they really don't care.

"Natsu! Marry me!" A girl confessed showing Natsu a ring.

"No! He should marry me!" Another girl announced.

"No! Me!!" And a riot to whom Natsu should marry begins.

Natsu being used by it, just rolled his eyes in annoyance and leaved the tiger-like girls.

"You're too harsh to girls. You should treat them with fragility and preciousness." Loke explained.

"I'm not like you, playboy" Natsu stated. They turned right to a corridor when they saw Gray talking casually to a girl.

"Is that Gray?... with the new Girl?! What's her name again... Lily... Luna... Lucy!"  Loke bursts. Natsu also saw the scene. They are talking gently not like him and Lucy.

"Come on! Let's join them" Loke suggested. Natsu didn't followed him instead he stayed at his place watching as Loke butted in between the two and do his playboy moves on Lucy. Taking her hand for a kiss. And Loke got smacked on the head. Gray laughed at Loke's state. Seeing that they acted like they are friends, Natsu can't help himself but to leave.


Natsu is driving his car, destination: home. As he's driving, he can't get away but to think about Lucy. Even though she hurt him many times, he  can't help himself but to get attached with her even more. He don't know why but there's something inside him he don't understand.

Natsu glance at his side mirror and realized that a black tainted car is following him. He buckle up faster his engine and so the car following him from behind. They had a car raising competition when the traffic light turned red in a second but Natsu didn't stop and continue driving while the following car made it's stop that made Natsu to have time to get lose from them.

The gauge of his gas turned red, and Natsu drive right where the gasoline station is.

"Full tank... keep the change" he said giving the gasoline  personnel money. Minutes later it's already full tank and because of nature's unexpected calling, Natsu parked his car in gas station's mini mart to use comfort room. He doesn't know that the suspicious black car is still following him and also parked beside his car and a hooded man got out and followed him inside.

The comfort room is not the luxurious type what Natsu was used to but it will do. He did what most people do inside a comfort room and a relief sigh escaped afterwards. The door suddenly opened up revealing a mysterious hooded man that also used the male cubicle. The tensed atmosphere was evaporating the area and Natsu could feel that something is wrong. He ziped his zeeper and was about to leave the room when the hooded man showed a gun and pointed it on Natsu. Due to Natsu's aggressive senses, he dodge the incoming bullet and splash some water from a bucket to the man. The man was startled a bit and Natsu get the chance to snatch the gun from the man's hand. They fought for the gun and the man kneed Natsu on the stomach twice. Natsu itched but didn't let go then he head bang the man that made him let go from the grip and the gun was drop on the floor. The man froze a second and was about to get the gun when Natsu punched the man hard on the face and kicked the gun away to the farthest cubicle. Natsu wiped a strip of blood on the corner of his mouth and gestured his hand to bring it on towards the man. Natsu isn't entitled a KING for nothing. Suddenly, the man step back and run outside the comfort room.

Natsu run after the man but he get inside a tainted glass car and escaped hurriedly. Natsu tried to run after the car but failed. He then get his phone on his pocket and dialed a number.

"... Gajeel?!..."


The police came afterwards and yellow taped the whole area for investigation. Natsu is handling an ice pack on his bruised mouth when Gajeel approached him, concerned.

"Are you okay man?" Gajeel asked as they made their signature handshake only for the Kings.

"I'm okay. You should be worry to that asshole who dared to kill me" Natsu smugly said. Gajeel smirked at his statement knowing that he's definitely fine.

"I already told Dad about what happened and he said he'll do something to catch those bastards"

"Thanks man. Tell your old man my gratitude"

"Will do but did you remember the plate number of the car??" Gajeel asked.

"Unfortunately not. But I recognized he has a tattoo on his hand..." Natsu explained.

"What is it?!"

"...A reaper's scythe..."


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