Meet the Brother

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Feeling awkward is a little bit of an understatement of what Lucy is feeling now. She mentally remind herself that on these past few days, the same known feeling were making her whole body to stiff, her hands to sweat so madly and the unnerving feeling of a damsel in distress who couldn't afford to do anything but to stand there idly, which in her case was sitting like a robot in a long dining table that she doesn't understand why the heck do they need this kind of a table to begin with.

Well, Lucy is pretty good at distancing herself to people and her well too known unfazed expression. But right now, she's uncomfortable. It is not by the fact that the so called Natsu's brother is eating dinner with them, but it is the fact that she happened to be in this dire position where she is an outcast listening to their private conversation as they tries to fill out their long years of not seeing each other. She is not a nosy person, that is. She's already regretting that she accepted Natsu's offer stupidly. But she accepted it voluntarily and it is now or never. She just hope that this evening will end up already so that she can hurl up into the bed and be comforted by the warmth of a blanket. As she tried to refocus her attention to the delicious food in front of her, the brother whom she heard was named Zeref, were happened to give attention to her that didn't help her at all but only to increase her discomfort.

"So Lucy, tell me. Are you not yet regretting that you choose this childish brother of mine as your boyfriend?" He playfully intrigued.

Natsu glare at his brother and pointed a finger at him accusingly.

"How could you say that right in front of my face! You should support your little brother here and not the other way around!" Natsu burst defiantly.

"Okay then. My brother is a little bit kiddish and annoying when it comes down to it. I hope you don't regret a thing" he comeback.


Zeref just chuckle at his brothers' million dollar reaction and Lucy couldn't help herself but to smile. She suddenly remembered the happy memories she had with Cobra and Kinana back when they're young. She didn't feel the need of having a sibling by blood because they took a good care of her and treat her like a true blood sister. She suddenly want to see them, maybe soon.

'Natsu must be feeling blessed that he has a brother he can rely on on'. she thought.

"You must really have a good connection as brothers." She honestly complimented.

"He's very successful at a very young age and he always excel on everything. He's my idol" Natsu said in full adoration.

"You flatter me Natsu."

"Of course because you deserve it"

"Well, not enough to gain Father's trust in inheriting the business legacy..." He said that end the conversation in a dreadful mood. Zeref face suddenly turned into something Lucy didn't expect. Natsu were taken aback, finding a good words to back-up.

"Brother I—"

"Half brothers..."

Lucy give off a silent gasp while Natsu were caught off guard.

"Zeref I don't—"

"Whether we like it or not, I am still Father's bastard son. It has been branded with me the day I was born."

Have you ever felt that feeling of mentally unprepared by this sudden commotion wherein you couldn't help but to think, 'Is this my fault?'— that is what Lucy's feeling. She cast a glance beside her and have seen Natsu's pained expression. This is the first time she saw him like this, she gotten used to of his active and carefree nature but not this side of him. She just realized it now that she want to know more about him. All of him.

"I don't care about what other people think. You are you. You have proven yourself enough. You are my brother" Natsu said hoping that his words have soften his brother's self-denial.

Zeref quietly stand up and walks away but before he could leave the room completely, he stopped at the foot of the door.

"You may be right but we are different. Everything matters to me... Goodnight" He said darkly without looking back.

And so their evening ended with a distressed and dreadful atmosphere instead of the warmth of a family.

Not so long after, they also finished their dining. Natsu lead Lucy to her temporary room and didn't say or stayed any longer as he was not in a good mood to have a conversation. He was about to leave the room when Lucy called out to him.

"Natsu wait!"

He stopped and look at her.

"Are you alright?"

He hesitated before answering.

"... I'll be fine"

Lucy don't know how to please or at least comfort anybody. She didn't had many chances or encounters to start with it so she just acted according to the mood. She slowly approached Natsu and hugged him. Natsu was startled by her sudden action but didn't show much of it. She massaged Natsu's back in circles, a thing she manage to learn when Cobra is comforting his sister.  She continued to do the same routine until she figured it out that he has ease up a little bit.

"Everything will be fine. I'll be here for you"

Natsu was shocked knowing the gentle side of Lucy. He smiled appreciatively and hugged her so tight.

"Thank you" he murmured.

Later that night, Lucy is still wide awake. She can't sleep at all! Whenever she closed her eyes, the scene of what happened earlier flashes in her mind. She let her guard down once again and initiated the proximity she shared with Natsu. Her comforting him and him hugging her so tight, it's too much for her to handle. She mentally cursed herself on how stupid she acted. She got up and went to the kitchen to drink some water, she freaking need it to calm herself and the fast beating of her heart. She was about to turn back to her room when an unexpected voice interrupted her. As an instinct, she hides herself in the dark.

"...So the documents of ownership has been settled?..."

Lucy peek a little to know who it is.

"...good. Prepare it by tomorrow"

She was about to leave not wanting to be nosy of other people's business when a certain name irked her attention.

"... Where's the pet? How's Zancrow?"

Her eyes widen and her body stiff.

"...hmmmm. Stick to the plan. We'll be making a move now"

Lucy covered her mouth with her hand to prevent any unnecessary noise she may utter. She didn't seem to hear anything about the conversation as her mind was clouded by questions and confusion. The call then ended afterwards and Zeref get something in the fridge and left, leaving Lucy frozen at bay. She is hyperventilating.

'Did I hear it wrong? Is it really that person? But he's identified dead and there's a possibility that it's just the same name as him..." Lucy thought.

'But what if.... I'm wrong. What if he's not really dead. Why do Zeref now him? What is their connection? Who the hell is Natsu's brother is?" She panicked.

Too many questions left unanswered, things is becoming complicated. She's baffled not knowing what to do. Should she tell Natsu? Or should not? Maybe she's just overacting. But what if...

She's not?

'What should I do? What should I...'



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