08 | theo

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Time was a funny thing. You think you have most of it, then some of it, then almost none of it. Individual days drag by, but on a grand scale, weeks fly by in a blink of an eye.

My life, for the past two weeks, has been alternating between going to school, studying, helping Halima prep the admin stuff for the film, with sleeping and eating crammed up somewhere in between. Before I knew it, the first semester exams were looming over me, as well as the timing to complete applications for film school.

I shut my History textbook with dull thud, then proceeded to close the thousands of browser tabs on my laptop. Although History was one of my favourite subjects as it helped me make sense of the current world, it also exposed the worst of humankind that caused me to spiral sometimes. 

At least, it was a Friday. I had to meet my film team and video call Hiransh and Daisy, and then I could go home and collapse on my bed and sleep and perhaps, never having to wake up.

I pushed open the door to our so-called 'secret-hideout', which was really just the spare photography classroom. Halima and Sasha were already there, scribbling more things onto the whiteboard.

"Okay, I think we're ready," Halima declared. "Where are the rest of the boys?"

"Here," Lars said, suddenly appearing at the door, making Halima jump back in fright. 

"Where did you spawn from?" She demanded. 

I chuckled and set up the laptop for the call. "We've got five more minutes."

"I'm such an avid planner, I need to chill," Sasha grumbled, staring at the board. "So much for being a Judging and not a Perceiving type."

"Are you referring to your MBTI?" Halima asked. "What is it?"

"Yeah, ISTJ or ISFJ, I think. You?"

"Whoa, that's like the exact opposite of Theo," Halima laughed. "I'm an ESTP. Theo's ENFP, I'm pretty sure." 

I shrugged with a smile. "Is that the Campaigner? It's been a while since we've done the quiz. It's quite helpful with getting the gist of how people prefer to work, though. What was yours again, Lars?" 

"INTJ," Lars piped up. 

Halima tilted her head to one side. "Yeah, it explains people better than zodiacs and horoscopes for sure. But it's always fun to still read those sometimes. Like, Raphael is channeling Cancer energy right now by running late."

As if on cue, Raphael rushed in, breathing heavily. "Sorry, sorry! I'm here." 

I glanced at the time and clicked on Hiransh's Skype. "Just in time."

"Hi, Theo, Halima!" Daisy greeted as her face appeared on the screen. "So nice to finally talk to you!" 

"Hello," Hiransh greeted, smiling. 

"Hi Hiransh and Daisy, thanks so much for your time for this call today," I started off. "This is my film team with me -- Raphael, Lars and Sasha."

They exchanged waves in the background. Daisy laughed and waved back. 

"Daisy and I will be going back to Toronto for Christmas," Hiransh smiled. "I'm sure we can film then?" 

"Sounds good! The base plan is to interview you and Daisy, get your stories before and after, and perhaps film some shots of you two dancing, will that be possible?"

"Definitely, we can contact our old studio and rent a place there to film a chorey," Daisy replied. "That would be cute. Could even dig up some footage of our past dances too."

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