15 | sasha

18 4 0

Game day. 

I had forgotten how one felt -- obviously not as a sportsperson, but as a performer. The marching band had also been warming up in the hallway, the brass and drumline seemingly having a competition on who was louder. 

Canadian Football wasn't as popular amongst students usually compared to ice hockey, for obvious reasons, so the audience definitely could not compare to American high school football crowds, but I was still surprised at the decent amount of people who filled the bleachers. Leilani had indeed brought Joshua along, and had volunteered Deandre as co-chaperone. I think some of her theatre friends, like Joy was also here with her -- and Yulissa was performing with the cheer team tonight too. I knew in advance that Dad was on night shift, so he wasn't able to watch me, but for some reason, the realisation still left a pang on me. 

I bounced on my feet, warming myself up and shaking my thoughts away. It was supposed to be a fun time, my first routine in months. Thankfully, I was mostly at the back corners of the formations, but the audience would still be able to tell if I didn't mask my mistakes well. 

"Ready?" Nicholas asked from behind me. 

I turned to face him, grimacing slightly. "As always, just got to get out there and transform into the performing persona." 

He grinned. "You got this." 

"Okay, dancers!" Siobhan's voice rang over the chaos. "Follow me to the back!" 

Which made sense, as the marching band would make their entrance first, followed by the cheerleaders and football players; us dancers would only appear at half-time. 

As I brushed past the band with their bulky instruments, someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around and met Theo's smiling gaze. 

"Nick, you go ahead, I'll catch up," I said.

Nicholas glanced between Theo and I, and gave a small wave. Theo returned it and turned his attention back to me. "You actually know a lot of people." 

"Definitely not as many as you do," I chuckled. "Also, I haven't seen Nicholas in a long while -- he was just the friendliest on the team. But Lei is right about one thing -- she's truly my only friend."

"That's an ouch to Williams, considering how often he tags along," Theo laughed. 

I shrugged with a soft smile. "Deandre can be considered one as well, I guess." 

There was a thoughtful glint in his eyes as he continued to look at me, and my breath hitched from his sudden silence. 

"You play the sax?" I asked redundantly, gesturing to the saxophone in his hand. 

He chuckled. "My Mom was in a band too, as colour guard. She forced Faith and I to pick something up as well -- Faith ended being in drum line, and I chose the sax, because I loved jazz music. Noelle wasn't pushed into the band legacy 'cuz my Dad --"

He cut off as the Drum Major called for attention. I waved him off. "Don't worry, you'll find me with Lei and Deandre later."

He smiled apologetically. "Ready to see you tear the dance floor up." 

I laughed quietly at his use of terminology and jogged after the dancers to make way for the band kids.  

About five minutes later, the Drum Major gave the signal and the band kids made their entrance. It had also been some time since I had watched a game, so seeing them march in with their matching uniforms, followed by the cheerleaders and football players, made nostalgia overwhelm me. Being a part of a troupe myself, even if for just one night -- warmth grew in my chest.

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